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Manticore - Wyrid 5

Manticore Enraged. by Keon Croucher (using midjourney)
A monstrous visage, a feline body with wings not unlike a draconid erupting from its back, a tail similar to that a of a Wyvern or Drake trailing behind it, though shorter admittedly. Its fur coat a tawny orange and yet speckled with scales of a pale almost ghostly transluscent nature as if the creature's clear distant tane genetics were poisoned or somehow diluted to the point of being but a ghost of a suggestion. Its powerful, whiplash like, but robust and with four barbed spikes at its end, their points and form not unlike that of porcupine quills, though of a near three foot long persuasion. Most disconcerting and perhaps most terrifying however is the creature's face, its visage. For the head and ears of a lion are present, yet the mouth, eyes and nose, though proportioned wrong, its jaws capable of opening to the distance of a great hunting cat with teeth to match...the creatures lips, facial shape, cheeks, eyes, and even nose are distinctly of a humanoid persuasion, human or elf-esque. It roars defiantly at your presence and perhaps most shockingly of speaks!
Perception 1d20+11
Languages Valarian (Common), Void-Tongue, Feriak
Skills Athletics: 1d20+7 , Acrobatics: 1d20+9 , Intimidate: 1d20+8 , Intuition: 1d20+9 , Navigation (Aerial): 1d20+7 , Navigation (Terrestrial): 1d20+7 , Stealth: 1d20+9 , Survival: 1d20+9

STR +5 , DEX +2 , CON +4 , INT -2 , WIS +2 , CHA -1

AC 22
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+11 , Ref 1d20+11 , Will 1d20+9 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+12 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+5 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20-1
HP70 5d12+30 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances N/A
Speed 25 feet (40 feet flying)
Melee Melee, Bite: 1d20+12 to hit. 2d8+5 piercing damage.   Melee, Claw Swipe: 1d20+12 to hit. 2d6+5 slashing damage.
Ranged Spike Sling: Range=40 feet. 1d20+9 to hit. 1d10+2 piercing damage.
Special Abilities Tough as Nails: Gets its Constitution Modifer as an Armor Boost to Armor Class. Already included on sheet.   Darkvision: Manticores can see quite well in the dark, like most any feline creature. They have Darkvision out to 60 feet.   Magick Mutate: Wyrids, all wyrids have some innate sense and resistance to the forces of the arcane. Manticores are no exception, rolling any Saving Throws against an arcane effect or spell at +2   Scent: +4 on Perception checks within 60 feet   Unfurl/Fold Away: A manticore, as a single action, can either have its wings flex, the complex joint system in its shoulders and within the wings themselves causing them to rapidly accordion fold over themselves in a collapse like fashion and lie, resting over the creature's back. Alternatively they can also flex their many muscles and joints with great power and rapidly unfurl and flex free these wings at notable velocity. When they do this, any creature that is adjacent to the manticore must attempt a Power Save DC 22. If they critically fail, they are thrown back ten feet and land prone, taking 1d6+5 Bludgeoning damage. If they merely fail, they are only thrown back five feet, taking no damage, but are still prone. If they succeed they are pushed back five feet but keep their footing. If they critically succeed they are not forced back at all.   Tail Spines: Manticores can fling these fearsome weapons like javelins and with surprising accuracy out to a terrifying distance. The strange and mutated biology of this creature effects these spines, this does not hurt the creature to do this, and they will grow entirely new ones to replace any used over the course of a Rest. As such manticores have no qualm or quandry about using this fearsome weapon.   Spine Volley: The manticore flings two of its tail spines, choosing to sling one at two different creatures, or both at the same creature. If targeting two different creatures they must be within 20 feet of each other. The manticore rolls both attacks separately however they only count as one attack for purposes of calculating Multiple Attack Penalty. If flinging both at the same target, it rolls but one attack, and if it hits, it merely deals 1 spine worth of damage, but the second spine then pins the target in place, immobilizing them unless they successfully escape, which requires a DC 21 Athletics or some other appropriate skill check.

Advancement/Alteration Options

  Though Manticores are intelligent in a sense, and via attributes, they are incapable of gaining any sort of profession levels, its just not in their nature. They are Wyrids, however so they can have a number of inherent genetic mutations besides what is seen here;   Draconid Breath: Some manticores are born with a functioning, albiet downsized, elemental temporal gland in their upper chest not dissimilar to the organ that allows any true draconids to utilize their own breath weapons. They produce a much smaller volume of the chemical in question based on the color, however some Manticores actually have a breath weapon. It will be a 20 foot cone or 40 foot line, only useable 1/rest, and will deal 6d6 of the appropriate elemental damage, with a DC 21 Reflex Save required by any creature caught in the area. Critical failure, take double damage, regular failure take normal damage, success take half damage, critical success fully avoid.   Camouflage: Some Manticores are born with color changing fur and scales. The shifts are subtle, reptile like, not rapid, so it isn't the most useful adaptation, however it does gift them a permanent +2 to Stealth skill rolls.   Toxic Spines: A select few Manticores are actually born with venom glands in their tails, turning their tail spines into sort of hypodermic needle javelins. These tail spines deal an additional 1d6 poison damage and any creature struck by them must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude Save. If critically failed, become afflicted with Slow (3). If a normal failure become afflicted with Slow (2), if a success its Slow (1). On a critical success gain no condition. This mutation in combination with Extra Spines does increase the EL of the creature by +1.   Extra Spines: Some manticores are born with more than four tail spines. Some are actually born with six.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
