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The Narrator

Chosen by the Archivist for a grander purpose than the one your story had in tale for you, you have been selected by The Archivist to lead the Arcubines. Why is still a mystery, however, now gifted a wooden-leather binder with the spine of disintegrated pages once filled with your history; you can feel the thrum of intention not your own now pulsating as you touch this once perfect book. Whatever it all means now, you were left with a single reminder from your patron.

Not all who act with intention are good.
hit dice: Warlock
hit points at 1st level: Warlock
hit points at higher levels: Warlock
armor proficiencies: Warlock
weapon proficiencies: Quills, Pens, Pencils, and other writing equipment.
tools: Calligrapher's Tools
saving throws: Warlock
skills: Warlock
starting equipment:
Still Warlock
class features:

Adka's Heralds

Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to pull aid from another's story to assist you and the Arcubines. As long as you have a writing utensil and ink, you may summon one of three special helpers from within your blank book to offer you assistance. You may summon one of the Heralds per Long Rest. This increases to 2 at 3rd level and all 3 at 5th level once you have learned to concentrate on the energies of them. These Familiars act independent of the summoner and therefore have their own initative.  


With feathers of inky black and wide soulless eyes, Twig is a the master of silence. Ever watchful of the changes you make, Twig never seemes to pass judgement even when you make the most awful of decisions.  

Summon Ability:

For both the Summoner and Twig, gain your profeciency bonus to any and all survival, and perception checks as if you were trained in the skills. You may also commune through Twig at any time.   HP: Warlocks Level d6s AC: 13 + Profeciency INIT: +3 STR: 8 DEX: 16 CON: 8 INT: 10 WIS: 12 CHA: 12 Speed: 30/30  


Peck: -1 (1d4-1)   Flyby Attack: Expend 30ft of movement to pester a target, granting advantage on the next attack made on the target. This does not provoke AoT.  


Coat of inky black bysected by darker streaks of obsidian, Terror the shade is as energetic as she is eager to please. She is often the first in and the last out to any situation and often takes charge of the trio in their times of stress.  

Summon Ability:

For both the Summoner and Terror, gain a +2 to your natural armor. While summoned, gain access to the spell Hex. When cast, this spell does not count towards YOUR concentraition, but instead Terrors.   HP: Warlock Level d8s AC: 15 + Profeciency INIT: +2 STR: 14 DEX: 16 CON: 14 INT: 8 WIS: 7 CHA: 9 Speed: 40  


Big Chompers: +2 (1d6+2)   Stalwart: As a reaction, subtract 1d10 from any attack made towards an ally within 5 feet of Terror  


Easily the most skittish and hard to keep track of, this midnight oil coated kitty is more than a fireball in the lamp post. While quite cowardly, her claws are sharp and she isn't afraid to use them in order to get what her master orders.  

Summon Ability:

Tremble energizes your magical ability. While summoned, your cantrip-based magical attacks can be ANY element of your choosing and can be cast from both your position AND Tremble's. These spells can target the same creature, or, be used to target other creatures.   HP: 1 AC: 9 + Profeciency INIT: -1 STR: 7 DEX: 9 CON: 14 INT: 17 WIS: 13 CHA: 17 Speed: 25  


Replicka: This attack replicates a single cantrip from its Master's Cantrip Spell's list. In order to do so though, it requires both the reaction and action of Tremble.   Kits Klaws: +3, 1d6+3 Force damage. Target must resist DC: 10 strength save or be knocked prone.  

Empowering Character

Additionally, starting at first level and replenished upon a long rest, you may Empower one of your Heralds at a time as a bonus action up to your profeciency bonus + CHA MOD times per day. Each of the Heralds gain a new ability while Empowered:  


Take a step back and observe the world for 1d6 rounds. While Empowered, Twig can see all Invisible targets within 30 feet of him and becomes invisible himself. If Twig makes a flyby attack while Empowered, Flyby does: +4, 1d8+2 Bludgeoning damage and does NOT reveal him.  


Ride atop the shoulders of an ally for up to an hour, granting them Watchdog's Protection. Terror is able to spread her armor bonus to an ally this way and to hasten them to increase their movement by 10ft. If Terror is killed this way, she cannot be resummoned until a long rest.  


As a reaction, swap places with Tremble so long as they are within 120ft. You may do this in response to being attacked, but not as a response to an AoT. If the attacker would then strike Tremble, Tremble explodes in a 10ft radius dealing 2d8 force damage DC 15 DEX for half. Tremble cannot be resummoned until after a long rest if this occurs.
subclass options:
Spell LevelSpells
1stCommand, Dissonant Whispers
2ndEnhance Ability, Enlarge/Reduce
3rdGlyph of Warding, Motivational Speech
4th(CS) The Narrators Private Study, (CS) Summon The Unbound
5thBigby's Hand, (CS) Creation

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Statblock Type

Class Features
