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Level 5 Bastion Special Facility

Prerequisite: Ability to use a Holy Symbol or Druidic Focus as a Spellcasting Focus

Space: Roomy

Hirelings: 1

Order: Craft

Icons of your religion are displayed in this facility, which includes a quiet place for worship.   Sanctuary Charm. After spending a Long Rest in your Bastion, you gain a magical Charm (see “Supernatural Gifts” in chapter 3) that lasts for 7 days or until you use it. The Charm allows you to cast Healing Word once without expending a spell slot. You can’t gain this Charm again while you still have it.   Craft: Sacred Focus. When you issue the Craft order to this facility, you commission the facility’s hireling to craft a Druidic Focus (wooden staff) or a Holy Symbol. The work takes 7 days and costs no money. The item remains in your Bastion until you claim it.

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Bastion Special Facility
