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Rainbow-Crystal Lizard Enclosure

Level 5 Bastion Special Facility

Prerequisite: A juvenile Rainbow-Crystal Lizard

Space: Vast

Hirelings: 4

Order: Harvest

The Rainbow-Crystal Lizard enclosure can house one or two Rainbow-Crystal Lizard. The enclosure is a massive garden with an access portal to the Feywild. There the lizards can roam freely, but are always returned to the enclosure once a day. When a creature other than the lizards use the portal they will be returned to the enclosue after 8 hours.   The Rainbow-Crystal Lizard Preservation Foundation sends an inspector once a month to ensure that the lizards are well taken care of. Should they notice any harm to the lizards they will report this to the foundation which will then proceed to close the enclosure.   Harvest: Scales. The hirelings collect spend the week collecting the scales of the Rainbow-Crystal Lizard. They will manage to find 4d6+6 medium scales and 1d6 large scales per lizard in the enclosure. They can sell the scales to a licensed trader for 20 gp per medium scale and 50 gp per large scale. Should the owner of the facility be in the possession of a License permitting the sale of these scales by the Rainbow-Crystal Lizard Preservation Foundation, they can be sold for 40 gp per medium scale and 100 gp per large scale.

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Statblock Type

Bastion Special Facility
