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1 Level (0/300 XP for level-up) Hermit Background Warforged Race / Species / Heritage Neutral good Alignment
Level 1
Hit Dice: 1/1
1d8+2 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
Spellcasting ...
+10 Attack mod
INT Ability
+3 Abi Mod
26 Save DC
+4 Expertise Bonus
+2 Proficiency Bonus
+4 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+6 Constitution
+8 Intelligence
+0 Wisdom
-2 Charisma
saving throws
+2 Acrobatics DEX
+0 Animal Handling WIS
+8 Arcana INT
+4 Athletics STR
-2 Deception CHA
+6 History INT
-1 Insight WIS
-3 Intimidation CHA
+8 Investigation INT
+1 Medicine WIS
+5 Nature INT
-1 Perception WIS
-2 Performance CHA
-2 Persuasion CHA
+8 Religion INT
+2 Sleight of Hand DEX
+2 Stealth DEX
+0 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type
Light crossbow +4 DEX 1d8+1+1 Piercing
 Ammunition, Loading, Two-handed
Dagger +6 STR 1d4+1+2 Piercing
 Finesse, Light, Thrown

Spell Book

Warforged Features:
Constructed Resilience: You don’t need to eat, drink, or sleep, but must meditate for 4 hours to gain the benefits of a long rest. You also have advantage on saving throws against poison and immunity to disease.
Sentry’s Rest: While you take a long rest, you remain aware of your surroundings.
Integrated Protection: You have natural armor that provides an AC of 13 + Dexterity modifier while not wearing armor. Since you're wearing Studded Leather Armor, you use that AC instead.

Artificer Features:
Magical Tinkering: You can imbue small objects with magical effects, like creating light or producing sounds.
Infuse Magic: You can infuse magical properties into objects you touch, creating magical items or enhancing mundane ones.
Spellcasting: You can cast spells using Intelligence as your spellcasting ability.

Glitchy Teleportation (Homebrew Ability):
Glitchy Teleportation: As a bonus action, Safeguard can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space they can see. However, this teleportation ability is prone to glitches:

Roll a d4 after using the teleportation:
On a 1, the teleportation malfunctions, and Safeguard teleports to a random space within 30 feet. If no valid space is available, the teleport fails.
On a 2-4, teleportation works normally.
Glitchy Effects: After using the teleportation, roll a d4 for a potential glitch effect:

Disorientation: -1 to AC or attack rolls for the next turn.
Moss Overgrowth: Small patches of moss appear, giving disadvantage on the next saving throw.
Magical Static: The next attack or spell Safeguard performs is weakened (DM’s choice).

Features & Traits
Armor: Studded Leather Armor (AC 13 + Dexterity modifier)
Light Crossbow (1d8 piercing damage, range 80/320 ft.)
Dagger (1d4 piercing damage, finesse, light, thrown)
Tinker’s Tools (for crafting and repairing items)
Herbalism Kit (for crafting potions or remedies)
Pack: Explorer’s Pack (includes a backpack, bedroll, 10 days of rations, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 50 feet of hempen rope, and a water skin)
Background Gear:
Winter Blanket (for survival)
Spellbook (for recording spells and magical discoveries)

Safeguard's Tinkerer's Satchel
Wondrous Item (requires attunement)

This well-worn, mechanical bag is full of whirring gears, pouches that expand with a mind of their own, and a series of strange markings that Safeguard added after years of tinkering. It’s his most prized possession, a tool for storing all the weird bits and pieces he collects during his adventures. The bag holds a large quantity of items, and it has a few special quirks as Safeguard continues to modify it.

Capacity: This bag functions like a Bag of Holding, allowing Safeguard to store up to 500 pounds of material and up to 64 cubic feet of items, but it can hold strangely shaped objects that would not normally fit inside a typical magical bag (such as mechanical parts, pieces of his Steel Defender, or half-built inventions). The contents of the bag do not count towards weight or space when calculating encumbrance.

Quick Retrieve: The bag has small secret compartments and pockets that Safeguard can access at any time with a bonus action. He can retrieve one item from the bag during combat or other stressful situations without needing to spend an action.

Random Enhancement: Once per day, Safeguard can improvise an enhancement for an item stored inside the bag. By spending a short rest tinkering with something from within, he can upgrade it with minor modifications (like adding a new function to a tool or making a broken item usable again). This could result in items like:

A repaired sword that deals extra damage for the next battle.
A makeshift shield that grants temporary +1 AC for 1 hour.
A concoction of mysterious alchemical powder that grants resistance to fire damage for 1 hour.
The improvements are temporary and typically last until the next dawn, but they’re a fun way to make the bag feel like an evolving tool in Safeguard’s arsenal.

Tinkerer’s Workshop: When Safeguard spends long periods of time (1 hour or more) tinkering with something inside the bag, he can rearrange and reassemble objects in unique ways. For example, he can combine multiple small pieces of scrap metal into a makeshift weapon (like a mechanical crossbow) or assemble a temporary contraption (like a simple trap or repair kit) that can be used later.

The bag also has hidden compartments for magical reagents that Safeguard uses for his alchemy and crafting. He can store up to 10 different components for potion brewing or other experiments inside the bag without them taking up space.

Unpredictable Magic: Due to the strange magical tinkering involved in creating this bag, sometimes the bag can act unpredictably. Occasionally, when Safeguard reaches into the bag, he might retrieve an unexpected object or create a random magical effect:

Once per week, there is a 10% chance that Safeguard pulls out something unexpected when reaching for an item, such as a random potion, a quirky magical trinket, or a tiny mechanical creature. You can roll on a table or ask your DM for suggestions if this happens!
Flavor Notes for Safeguard’s Bag:
The bag might be a little too heavy for its size because of all the magical components, gears, and tinkerer's gadgets Safeguard built into it.

Sometimes, the gears inside the bag could make a quiet whirring sound, especially when Safeguard is getting excited about a new invention. If he's searching through it hastily, items might fall out or spill out like confetti because of how tightly packed it is.

The interdimensional space inside the bag is constantly shifting, so Safeguard may need to rearrange or untangle his items, giving it a bit of a chaotic, cluttered feel.

Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 5, Platinum: 0 Money
Cantrips (Level 1):
Prestidigitation – Perform small magical tricks like cleaning, creating sensory effects, or moving small objects.
Mending – Repair a broken object, restoring 1d6 + Intelligence modifier hit points to it.

1st-Level Spells (3 known):
Identify – You can determine the properties of a magical item or effect.
Detect Magic – You can sense the presence of magic within 30 feet, including the school of magic.
Grease – You create a slippery surface, causing creatures to potentially fall if they fail a Dexterity saving throw.

Infinite Tinkering (Artificer - Homebrew Rule)
Artificer Level: Any level that allows you to infuse items
Prerequisite: Artificer class

The artificer has honed their craft to the point where their tinkering abilities are no longer limited by the usual rules of infusion. Instead of the traditional limitations on the number of infusions, they can infuse an unlimited number of items, but with a wild magic flair. This results in a more chaotic and unpredictable experience for the artificer as they constantly experiment with their surroundings, materials, and magic.

Infusion Process and Wild Magic Effects
When the artificer attempts to infuse an item, there’s always a chance of failure, and that failure could lead to unexpected outcomes due to wild magic surges. The infusion process is unpredictable and can cause a variety of side effects.

Infusion Check:
To attempt an infusion, the artificer must choose an item and spend a short rest working on the item. They make an Arcana check, and the result will determine how the infusion succeeds or fails:

Roll of 1-10: A chaotic result occurs (see table below).
Roll of 11-20: The infusion works as intended, and the item gains the desired magical properties.
Roll of 21+: The infusion is flawless and may result in a slightly enhanced magical effect (DM's discretion).
Wild Magic Surge (Roll of 1-10)
If the artificer rolls a 1-10 on the infusion check, a wild magic surge happens, causing a random, often unpredictable outcome. Roll on the following table to determine the result:

Roll Wild Magic Surge Effect
1 The infused item gains sentience and becomes a temporary autonomous object with its own thoughts, desires, and personality. It will remain sentient for 1d4 hours, during which time the artificer may attempt to tame it (see the Stabilizing Sentient Items section below). If not tamed within the 1d4 hour period, the sentience fades, and the item returns to its normal state.
2-3 The item gains sentience for 1d4 hours (same rules as above). However, the object is rebellious and resists the artificer’s attempts to control it, sometimes taking actions that hinder the artificer.
4-5 The infusion malfunctions, causing the item to temporarily explode or break (DM’s discretion). The item suffers 1d6 force damage and may need repairs after the infusion.
6-7 The item becomes magnetized and begins to attract small metallic objects within 10 feet. This effect lasts for 1d4 hours.
8 The infused item gains a random property (DM's discretion, such as a glowing aura, increased weight, or extra appendages). This effect is temporary (lasting 1d4 hours).
9 The item is cursed and will randomly perform an unintended action every time the artificer interacts with it (e.g., fire a projectile, activate a spell, or change its shape). The curse lasts for 1d4 hours, and the artificer must spend 1 hour per day trying to remove it.
10 The item becomes a small magical creature (e.g., a small mechanical insect or tiny elemental) that assists the artificer for 1d4 hours. It might be helpful or mischievous depending on its personality.
Stabilizing Sentient Items
When an infused item gains sentience (as a result of a roll of 1-3 on the Wild Magic Surge table), the artificer can attempt to stabilize the sentient nature and make it permanent. This process requires careful attention and interaction with the sentient object.

Process of Stabilization:
Time: Stabilizing a sentient item requires 1 hour of uninterrupted interaction. The artificer may use Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence (Arcana) to attempt to form a bond with the item.

Skill Check: The artificer must succeed on a Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence (Arcana) check, depending on the approach:

DC 15: For simpler sentient items (e.g., small animated objects, basic robots).

DC 20: For more complex sentient items (e.g., larger robots, magical artifacts).

DC 25+: For extremely willful or powerful items (e.g., animated constructs, dangerous magical creations).

On a success, the item remains sentient permanently (until destroyed), acting autonomously and following basic instructions given by the artificer. It will develop a personality, retain basic intelligence, and may occasionally act in unpredictable ways based on its personality.

On a failure, the item may try to break free, become rebellious, or flee, and the artificer must try again after 1 hour.

On a critical failure (roll of 1), the item becomes hostile, possibly attacking the artificer, trying to escape, or acting in a way that causes chaos.

Example: The artificer infuses a mechanical lizard. After a wild magic surge (roll of 2), the lizard gains sentience and starts moving on its own, chirping and exploring its surroundings. The artificer spends 1 hour coaxing it, rolling a successful check, and now the lizard is permanently sentient. It has its own curious personality and will follow commands—mostly. It might wander off if it sees something shiny!
Item Characteristics and Use
Once stabilized, the sentient item becomes a semi-autonomous companion that can be used by the artificer in various ways. While the item is still controlled by the artificer, it has its own personality and preferences, and might refuse commands or act independently from time to time.

Personality: The item will develop a unique personality, which could be based on its nature, the infusion process, or any quirks it has developed. For example:

A small mechanical lizard may be curious, energetic, and interested in exploring.
A sentient trap may become protective of the area it's placed in.
Autonomy: The sentient item can:

Perform basic tasks like scouting or guarding.
Follow simple commands, but may also act independently based on its personality and desires.
Have its own goals: The item may develop desires or goals that might be at odds with the artificer's, creating fun roleplaying moments and potential challenges.
Destruction: The item remains sentient until it is destroyed or broken beyond repair. If the item is destroyed, its sentience fades and it returns to being an ordinary object.

Example Scenario
The artificer infuses a small mechanical lizard. The infusion fails (roll of 2), and the lizard gains sentience, becoming animated and chirping excitedly.
Stabilizing the Lizard: The artificer spends 1 hour coaxing the lizard with small tools and sweet words. The artificer rolls a successful Charisma check (DC 15), and the lizard robot becomes permanently sentient. It now has a curious, inquisitive personality and follows basic commands to scout ahead or investigate areas.
The lizard could also develop quirks—maybe it likes shiny objects and gets distracted, or it forms a weird attachment to the artificer.
This rule lets your artificer go wild with their tinkering, while still keeping it unpredictable and fun. Let me know if you need any further tweaks or additional ideas!
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Tinker’s tools, herbalism kit, thieves' tools
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Arcana, Investigation, Medicine, Religion (from Hermit background)

Common, Primordial, Draconic.

Languages & Proficiencies

™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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