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Thieves' Toolkit - ITEM 0

Usage held in 1 or 2 hands; Bulk L;

You need a thieves' toolkit to Pick Locks or Disable Devices (of some types) using the Thievery skill. If your thieves' toolkit is broken, you can repair it by replacing the lock picks with replacement picks appropriate to your toolkit; this doesn't require using the Repair action. If you wear your thieves' toolkit, you can draw and replace it as part of the action that uses it.

Type Thieves' Toolkit; Level 0; Price 3 gp;
Type Thieves' Toolkit, Replamcement Picks; Level 0; Price 3 sp;
Type Thieves' Toolkit, Infiltrator; Level 3; Price 50 gp;
An infiltrator thieves' toolkit adds a +1 item bonus to checks to Pick Locks and Disable Devices.

Type Thieves' Toolkit, Infiltrator Picks; Level 3; Price 3 gp;

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

