Wondrous Item
Gain 20 Unholy Damage Mitigation when worn. All attacks deal an additional 10 Holy Damage when worn. A disconcertingly lifelike relic, appearing as though frozen in the act of a gentle, open grasp. It is a pale white artifact, its texture surprisingly flesh-like, faintly squishy yet dense and unyielding. The surface is smooth but bears faint striations, like ripples of water petrified into permanence. Subtle imperfections suggest veins once coursed beneath the surface, now hardened into delicate grooves that create an almost organic lattice. The fingers are slender and elongated, unnaturally so, with the knuckles subtly pronounced and the nails formed as smooth, rounded protrusions seamlessly integrated into the rest of the structure. These nails reflect light faintly, as if polished to a soft sheen. The base of the wrist transitions into a fractured, jagged edge where the hand was seemingly severed. This break is not crude but unnervingly clean, as though it detached itself naturally rather than through violent means. Within this jagged edge, small crystalline flecks glimmer faintly. Around the base, a faint ring of discoloration exists, shadows of gray and pale gold. The hand’s palm is its most striking feature. Upon close inspection, faint circular indentations form concentric patterns in the center, radiating outward like ripples frozen mid-motion. These marks are shallow, tactile, and perfectly symmetrical, giving the sense of a purposeful design. If turned in the light, the grooves shimmer faintly, emitting a subtle opalescent glow. The hand feels unexpectedly warm when touched, a warmth that is neither comforting nor threatening but oddly neutral. When held for extended periods, it seems to weigh heavier than its modest size would suggest, as if some invisible force draws it downward."The visage of Eluryās is held as sacred, her very flesh holier still—a thing of purity unmatched, greater than all other matter, save perchance the Great Tree itself."
Weight: -