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Ears of The Nekomancer

Slot: headband

Price 550 gp \ Aura faint transmutation \ CL 3rd


This simple headband is topped with a pair of cat ears shaped from felt. After donning the headband, the wearer grows a furry tail, and the headband's ears change to appear almost identical to a naturally existing pair. In addition to the cosmetic effects, the wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks and Perception checks based on hearing. While so transformed, the wearer can be affected by any effects that specifically target felines, and feels minor catlike mental compulsions. The wearer must make a DC 10 Will Save each round they attempt to enter a large body of water. Once they have succeeded on such a save, they need not make another attempt for one hour. Upon removing the Ears of the Nekomancer, all the item's physical alterations immediately end.   Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Animal Aspect; Cost 275 gp

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

