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Befriend a Local

Requirements You must have the proper writing material to create a forgery.
Description You spend the day in the company of an NPC whose companionship you value in order to strengthen the bonds of your friendship with them. 
Applications You can always roll a Diplomacy check to determine your degree of success when you try to Befriend a Local, but you can instead attempt another skill check of your choice to engage that NPC in an area of expertise they might be interested in. For example, if you seek to befriend a local smith, you could instead roll a Crafting check to make friends. Or if you seek to befriend an herbalist, you could attempt a Medicine check or a Nature check. As you interact with an NPC, you might discover other personality traits that suggest other skill check options—for example, after a few days of chatting with a local hunter you might learn that they have a deep appreciation of music, allowing you to attempt a Performance check to befriend them. If you elect to attempt a skill check other than Diplomacy, your GM will decide if the check you chose is applicable—if not, the outcome of your check is one degree of success worse.   Regardless of the skill you choose, the DC is 20.   Degrees of Performance
  • Critical Success You befriend the NPC, and that NPC particularly favors your company. If the NPC is a merchant, goods and services purchased from them are discounted by 10% rather than 5%. If the NPC is not a merchant, their friendship instead grants you a +1 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks you attempt as part of downtime activities in Breachill, as long as they favor you. These benefits are permanent, as long as you don’t take actions that jeopardize this friendship (as determined by the GM). Once you have permanently gained an NPC’s favor in this way, the GM might decide the NPC helps you in other ways as well.
  • Success Per critical success, except the NPC’s favor lasts for a number of weeks equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 week).
  • FailureThe NPC does not favor you.
  • Critical FailureThe NPC is offended or insulted by something you did. You no longer gain the effects of an ongoing success or critical success with that NPC, and the DC to use Befriend a Local with that NPC in the future increases by 5.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Action / Feat
