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Alva Darkwood C?
Character Name Alignment
Sniper Markswoman 1
Character Level
Sidhe M
Race Size
Female 43
Gender Age
4'9" 75 lbs
Height Weight
Silver Purple with silver flaks
Hair Eyes
Badb -
Deity Homeland
- 0
Domain/Oath/Patron/School XP

Ability Score Mod T.Adj T.Mod
10 +0 ( +0 ) +0
16 +3 ( +0 ) +0
13 +1 ( +0 ) +0
13 +1 ( +0 ) +0
13 +1 ( +0 ) +0
14 +2 ( +0 ) +0
 Change in tracker!
HP Total
Dam Red
Spell Res
Total AC
Flat Footed
Flat Footed + Touch
Save Total Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Fortitude +1 +0 CON +1 +0 +0 +0
Reflex +5 +2 DEX +3 +0 +0 +0
Will +3 +2 WIS +1 +0 +0 +0
Combat Maneuver Bonus CMB
CMB BaB STR Size Misc
+1 +1 +0 +0 +0
Combat Maneuver Defense CMD
CMD Base BaB STR DEX Size Misc
14 10 +1 +0 +3 +0 +0
30 ft

Elfin and Elven (Sidhe), Goblin, Orc,

Adventuring Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Acrobatics +4 (DEX)  +3 +1 +0
  Bluff +2 (CHA)  +2 +0 +0
  Climb +0 (STR)  +0 +0 +0
  Diplomacy +2 (CHA)  +2 +0 +0
  Disguise +2 (CHA)  +2 +0 +0
  Escape Artist +3 (DEX)  +3 +0 +0
  Fly +3 (DEX)  +3 +0 +0
  Heal +1 (WIS)  +1 +0 +0
  Intimidate +2 (CHA)  +2 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Arcana +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Dungeoneering +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Local +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Nature +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Planes +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Religion +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Perception +4 (WIS)  +1 +1 +2
  Ride +3 (DEX)  +3 +0 +0
  Sense Motive +1 (WIS)  +1 +0 +0
  Stealth +4 (DEX)  +3 +1 +0
  Survival +2 (WIS)  +1 +1 +0
  Swim +1 (STR)  +0 +1 +0
Background Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Appraise +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Engineering +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Geography +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: History +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Nobility +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Linguistics* +2 (INT)  +1 +1 +0
Custom Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc

* only usable when trained (rank 1 and higher)
Skill Notes
Linguistics | Orc,

Point-Blank Shot: At 1st level, a marksman gains the Point-Blank Shot feat as a bonus feat.
Precise Shot

Special Abilities

Low-light Vision: Sidhe can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Elven Immunities: Sidhe are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Magic: Sidhe receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, Sidhe receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
Keen Senses: Sidhe receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.

Name AB Critical Type Range Ammo Dmg
composite longbow +
Name ACB Type Check Penality Spell Failure Weight Properties
Leather 2 Light Armor 0 10% 15lbs

The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment

[block: Cold-weather outfit 8 gp 7 lbs.1 and 2 sets of basic clothing. ]

The statblocks of your class features

[block: she can spend a swift action to gain a competence bonus equal to her Wisdom modifier on ranged attacks until the end of the round. She can do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + her class level. Favored Weapon: Marksmen of 2nd level select a group of ranged weapons from the list below as their preferred weapons and gain a +1 competence bonus to ranged attack rolls made with any weapon of that group. Every four marksman levels thereafter]

Component List

Mybigasstable of components

Antenna ArrayComLink"Extend the range of Comms to 10[X] Miles on flat ground. Environmental factors which limit the range of comms—cliffsmountainsdense forestrycavesand so on— still apply."5-11
AntiRadic ShieldsArmorGain Rad Resist up to 1000[X] MicroSieverts.1002-11-11
Archery MechanismBow"The Armament can now shoot Boltshas a base Range of 5:50Mag 10Recoil 1Pull 2. The Armament counts as a Bow."1
Arrow NanoForgeBow"Destroy a Material of this Tech Type: for each Upkeep of the next [X] turnsgain 1 arrow."54008Intensive-214008innovative-11
Aural Tuning"If a sound would cause you aural damage ignore that damage and instead deaf for the remainder of the round unless you make an action to turn it off or if this Component is Orga.
Spend up to [X] PowerIgnore sounds from as many sources. Multiple sources may be counted as one if they sound similarsuch as ignoring the footsteps of a crowd."52002Intensive-10.52002Intensive-10.5-2
Auto-LoaderBowAppendages fixed to the risers draw arrows from an attached quiver and nocks them for you. Increase Max Mag size by 2[X]. Nocking is a free action for up to 2[X] arrows a round.54008innovative-114008innovative-11
Barometic ScannerScanners"Gives the current wind speed and directionprovides weather forecasts for rainsnowhailsunnyand overcast. 100% accurate within 6[X] hours50% within 12[X] hours20% within [X] days."102004Intensive10.5
Biometric ScannerScanners"Declare a Target within 20[X] feet: Get Heart RatePulseand Body Temp of target."52004Intensive10.5
BurningSkirmish"Make a successful hit against a targetspend Power up to [X]and play a Royal: Deal 5[POW] Heat Damage and [POW] Burning."53003Advanced01
BurstFirearmFirearm"Whenever you make a Precision checkyour firearm shoots up to [X] additional rounds. Each still affects recoil. During Upkeep you can adjust extra rounds between 0 and [X]."43003Advanced01
Burst PackMobility"Spend Power: Move Max Load of ENC 5 + 2[X] (self included) in a straight line. Distance is (5[P]) ft. out or (2[P]) ft. up. If load is less than Maxadd the overflow to [P]."54008Intensive01
CapacityFirearmFirearmMax Mag +4[X]101002Moderate0[X]/2
CaskCastingYour Capacitance is increased by 112002Moderate01
Cilia BracingRaiment"Choose a value for Powup to [X]. Negate that much ENCdown to 0. You may adjust Pow at any point outside of a Scenario."52002Moderate-[X]1
Cilia-Air PocketLife Support"An envelope of clean air protects your headgranting immunity to Dangerous Atmosphere and 30 minutes of immunity to Lethal Atmosphere. Spend Power: Expand the effect radius by as many feet for 10 minutes; the duration halves per person in radius."13003Advanced41
CompoundedBow"Whenever you make a check with the bowcount Pull as [X] lower."54003Advanced012002Moderate01
Custom FitRaimentAny abilities which rely on having bare hands work with this Raiment without sacrificing its armor or other effects.1
CuttingSkirmish"Studsserrationsbladesand other deadly edges decorate this Armament. +5[X] DMG. For each rank declare a card suitif the Armament does damage with a check using that suitthe target gains a rank of bleeding."41001Simple01501Primitive01
Delve Lens Wand"Specify an elementraise the max casting level of that element by 1."13003Advanced01
Dermal PapillaeDisguise"Play a cardchoose a material from your environment: This item's surface morphs into a camouflage of that material for 5[X] minutesor 10[X] minutes if you played a Royal. While this item has this camouflageit mimics the material visually but it's surface is physically pulpous. PER checks against you are at -2[X]"54008Intensive-22
Electric InsulationArmorNegate up to [X] ranks of Shocked Status10
EnvirosealLife Support"Your Raiment grants immunity to Dangerous Atmosphere. For Mecha raimentsrequires a 30s cleaning every 30 minutesexposing you to atmosphere. This is not an air sourceand doesn’t grant Lethal Atmosphere immunity."11002 MechaSimple012004 OrgaModerate-11
Farcast BarrelWand"Increase the Range Mod of casts by [X] ft where it mattersor 5[X]ft if the calculation is flat."101002Simple0
Firing MechanismFirearmFirearm"The Armament can now shoot Boltshas a base Range of 5:50Mag 10Recoil 1Damage 10. The Armament counts as a Firearm."13003Advanced01
Gyro StabilizationSkirmish"Whenever you make an attacking Check with the Armament it is [X] ranks lighter to swingand lands with [X] greater Strength."
Heavy HitterFirearmFirearmBolts do +4[X] Damage. Raise Recoil by 15150Moderate
Hydraulic AssistSkirmish"Spend up to X Powerincrease the damage of your next skirmish attack by 5[X]."33003Advanced01
Jacket NanoForgeFirearmFirearm"Destroy 1 Mecha Materialdeplete 1 Power: All ammo in your Mag gains Jacketed during your next upkeep."14004Intensive01
LiquisealLife SupportThe gear is liquid tight.11004Simple2004Simple
LivestreamComLinkAdds a small camera array to the Item which captures exactly what you see as a livestream which you may share with any members of your ComLink Party. While you’re within 10ft of them they gain “Play a Card: Add the Line of Sight of (you) to your own for the round.”1-11
Marksman KitFirearmFirearm"Max Range +20[X]Min Range +[X]"52002Moderate01
Meta LatticePower"Whenever you’re hit by a Spell restore Power equal to the spell levelup to [X]. If this would exceed your Max Powerand if your Charge is below your Capacityrestore as much Chargeotherwise do nothing. Spend Power: Restore as much Charge."54005Intensive2[X]1
Multi ShotBow"A set of nocks and strings which allow you to shoot up [X] additional arrows at your target. Each arrow is still separately nocked.
When you have Targeting you Gain “Deplete 1 Power: Make up to [X] + 1 Precision Checks against as many targets; spread your arrows across them as you wishminimum 1 each."34008Intensive014008Intensive-11
Muscle SheatheRaiment"UBS +[X]LBS +[X]. Play a RoyalSpend up to [X] Power: Increase UBS and LBS by as much. Only 1 Muscle Suit per Raiment."3006Advanced-[X][X]
NanoForgeNanoforge"Remove a Nanite from your Inventorymake an Engineering check equal to its Difficulty: The Nanite counts as Encoded into this forge. Remove a Nanite Disk: Gain a Nanite Canister of an Encoded Nanite. Mag 5 (Nanite Chips)"15005Coveted-11
NanoForge ChipNanoForgeNanoForgeYou may Encode an additional Nanite into target NanoForge.-3004Intensive00
NanoForge ClipNanoForgeNanoForgeExtend the Mag of target Nanoforge by 5.-1002Simple00.5
NanoMillNanoForge"Remove 1 MechaSpend [X] Power: In 1 hour gain [X] Nanite Disks."550010Coveted-12
Orga GraftPowerRemove 1 Orga Material: Restore [X] Power or repair 1 rank of a Component at the beginning of the next Round. You cannot feed the graft more than [X] times per Round.52004Moderate4[X]2
Orga RegenRaiment"Spend orgarepair parts"
Pneumo InjectorSkirmish"Whenever this Armament would Woundyou may instead spend a Burst to deal a Wound 1 severity higher. This Component holds up to [X] Bursts and has ""Discard a card and lower Charge by 1: Restore 1 Burst. If you discarded a RoyalRestore 2 instead.” When restoringthe Armament makes a loud shrieking that's audible at 100 ft. on a clear day."5300"2 Mecha
1 Meta"Advanced
Power CellPowerEach upkeep Restore 2[X] Power.53006Advanced2[X]2
Power RiggingRaiment"UBS +[X]LBS +[X]. Spend [X] powergain +1 LBS and UBS for [X] rounds.
Only 1 per Raiment."53006Advanced-[X][X]
Proto-DivinoriumPower"Generates 5[X] meta per roundeven in areas without meta. Whatever your raiment doesn’t consume for Power radiates out as raw meta which any caster can use up to 50[X] ft. away."36006Coveted5[X]1
Reactive PlatingArmor"Gain 5[X] Armor. This component only breaks when the incoming attack uses a ♠or ♦. For ranks purchased after the firstremove a symbol from the previous statement. An attack can't damage a component above this armor until this armor is destroyed."41504Moderate0[X]/21504Moderate0[X]1504Moderate0[X]
RebreatherLife SupportA breathing apparatus attached to a store of breathable gas which lasts an hour. Increases ENC by 1. Mecha: The rebreather replenishes in ¼ of the time it was used once the wearer is in breathable air. Orga: The rebreather replenishes in 10 seconds.13006Advanced2004Moderate1
RequilaryCasting"Holds onto a single spell-spark of up to level x. This spark can later be called by a casterwhich makes a copy of it and casts it."12002Moderate01
ShockingSkirmish"Make a successful hit against a targetspend Powerand play a Royal: this weapon deals Spent Power * X Shocked Status Ranks"
Slug NanoForgeFirearmFirearm"Destroy 1 MechaDeplete [X] power: Gain 5 Slugger [X] Bolts on upkeep. When applied to a firearm fills right into the Mag. "34004Intensive01
Sonic Cannon"Spend Power: Activate this Component to deal [X] Stun to all Targets in [POW] Spaces.
(Armament Only) Pass a Precision Checkspend [POW]: Target takes 2[X] stun if they're within 2[X] Spaces. Deal [X] damage to their head.
This only affects Targets which can hear."12502Moderate01
Springlocked LimbsBow"Increase Aim Range by 5 and the PullRecoiland Snap Range by 1"53003Advanced012002Moderate01
Symbiorg SpawnerRaiment"Remove X Orga and lower POW by X for 12 hrs: After 12 hours get a Symbiorg Drone Minion. For each rank choose one: flyingamphibiousdivlinkor add a physiological thrope component to all drones."105005Coveted-12
Thermal LayeringArmorImmunity against cold weather and Freezing?2004Moderate2006Moderate2006Moderate
TomeTome"Begins with a single topicand adds +1 to checks of that topic made outside of Contest."
ToolKitToolsToolkits allow Moderate and Advanced Projects. When you acquire a toolkit you have to pick a Skill or Craft which they apply to.200
ToxispinesNeurotoxic spines that shoot out.
TransformingSkirmish"Define a Componentit is now hiddenand can be hidden or manifested with a Royal. Requires an Engineering (Mecha)Biology (Orga)or Divination (Meta) Check to spot it equal to 2[X]. "53003Advanced0-12002Moderate0-1
ZeusacannonTesla Coils. Shock damage!

Blighted Mutations

1SpellFailureWhatever magical abilities you possess become difficult to utilize as your mind swims with odd thoughts whenever you attempt to use your supernatural powers.
When casting a spell Roll 1d10
on a 1 the spell fizzles; it counts as a use even as it has no effect.
2TumorSomewhere on your body there is a mass of flesh that keeps growing.An untreated tumor will kill a character in 2d6 weeks (average 7). ‘Treatment’ requires a DC 15 Heal check +1 for every time the tumor has been previously treated. After every treatment‘reset’ the tumor and roll an additional 2d6 (average 7 weeks) to determine how long the tumor can go untreated before killing the character.
3Extra EyeYou grow an additional eye—perhaps it is on your faceperhaps not—but wher-ever it grows it confuses your vision.You suffer -4 to mutation modifier Perception Checks.
4StupidityYou have increasing difficul-ty putting together coherent thoughts.You suffer-3 Mutation Modifier to Intelligence (to a minimum score of 4).
5FrenziedYou are liable to to fly into a frenzy over any pettiness: a spilled glassa woundor even an insult.When dropped to below 50% of your hitpointsyou enter a rage as per the barbarian class ability with none of the bonuses and all the limitations. You can not leave this state until regaining above 50% hp or there are no enemies present. Alternatelyif the character is already utilizing the ‘rage’ class feature when dropped below 50% hitpointsthey can choose to double the duration with all benefits/limitations at no additional cost or disadvantage.
6ImpulsiveYou have lost much of your impulse control and thus have developed a tendency to grab at whatever interests you.You suffer a -2 Mutation Modifier on Will Saves.
7Beast’s MawYour throat is growing thick and bestialmaking you una-ble to shape intelligible words.You are now mutecan only communicate verbally through grunts. While you can still approximate verbal components to cast spellsdoing so forc-es you to treat your caster level as one level lower for purposes of deter-mining duration and potency.
8Extreme HungerYou are always hungry and must eat incessantly or grow ill.If you have not eaten a meal equal to a day’s rations within the last 2 hoursyou gain the sickened conditionif not eaten within the last 4 hours you gain the nauseated condition.
9Misshapen HandsYour fat knobby fingers are full of rapidly-fused joints that make it difficult for you to use your hands.You suffer a -4 Mutation Modifier to Attack Rolls and skill checks that involve the use of your hands
10Misshapen BodyYour spine or limbs twist in ways they weren't supposed to.Your movement speed is reduced by 10 feet


The blockiest of blocks

[block: she instead suffers no penalties for range increments. ]

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

Statblocks for your spells.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Character Sheet
