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Jesse Devonshire N
Character Name Alignment
Druid 6
Character Level
Human M
Race Size
Male 27
Gender Age
6' 1" 240 #
Height Weight
Brown, Shaved Brown
Hair Eyes
Nature, the Green Roaming
Deity Homeland
- 71833
Domain/Oath/Patron/School XP

Ability Score Mod T.Adj T.Mod
14 +2 N/A +2
13 +1 N/A +1
14 +2 N/A +2
13 +1 N/A +1
16 +3 N/A +3
17 +3 N/A +3
 Change in tracker!
HP Total
Dam Red
Spell Res
Total AC
Flat Footed
Flat Footed + Touch
Save Total Base Ability Magic Misc Temp
Fortitude +7 +5 CON +2 +0 +0 +0
Reflex +3 +2 DEX +1 +0 +0 +0
Will +8 +5 WIS +3 +0 +0 +0
Saving Throw Notes

? Healing Potions
? Flasks of flammable oil, Tanglefoot, Acid, Alchemist Fire, etc.

Alchemist's Atlatl.

Sometimes Jesse carries a longbow and quiver of arrows in towns wherever people like Rangers better than Druids.

Wearing: Wide-brim Hat, Leather Armor with kilt & boots.

Scroll case with parchment, Ink & quill
large empty sack
Spell component pouch with Mistletoe, small red cloth
Waterskin (filled with water)

Combat Maneuver Bonus CMB
CMB BaB STR Size Misc
+6 +4 +2 +0 +0
Combat Maneuver Defense CMD
CMD Base BaB STR DEX Size Misc
17 10 +4 +2 +1 +0 +0

Minosh (Common), Kayam (Druids), Aptupian (Sylvan Creatures), Coirili

Per Day
Spellcasting Notes

Notes here do not show up on character sheet.

Adventuring Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Acrobatics +1 (DEX)  +1 +0 +0
  Bluff +3 (CHA)  +3 +0 +0
  Climb +3 (STR)  +2 +1 +0
  Diplomacy +4 (CHA)  +3 +1 +0
  Disable Device* +1 (DEX)  +1 +0 +0
  Disguise +3 (CHA)  +3 +0 +0
  Escape Artist +1 (DEX)  +1 +0 +0
  Fly +1 (DEX)  +1 +0 +0
  Heal +9 (WIS)  +3 +6 +0
  Intimidate +3 (CHA)  +3 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Arcana +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Dungeoneering +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Local +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Nature +9 (INT)  +1 +6 +2
  Knowledge: Planes +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Religion +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Perception +4 (WIS)  +3 +1 +0
  Ride +3 (DEX)  +1 +0 +2
  Sense Motive +3 (WIS)  +3 +0 +0
  Spellcraft* +2 (INT)  +1 +1 +0
  Stealth +1 (DEX)  +1 +0 +0
  Survival +11 (WIS)  +3 +6 +2
  Swim +3 (STR)  +2 +1 +0
Background Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc
  Appraise +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Craft: Leatherworking +2 (INT)  +1 +1 +0
  Handle Animal* +11 (CHA)  +3 +6 +2
  Knowledge: Engineering +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Geography +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: History +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Knowledge: Nobility +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Linguistics* +1 (INT)  +1 +0 +0
  Profession: Alchemy +11 (WIS)  +3 +6 +2
Custom Skills
CS Skill Total AB Mod Ranks Misc

* only usable when trained (rank 1 and higher)
Skill Notes
Skill Points at each Level: 4 + Int modifier (1) +1 Human = 6/level.
7th Level Advancements: +1HD, +6 skill points, +1 feat, +5+3 spell points, BAB increase to 5, 4th level spells!

Wrong Way's Wish List: Keep Jesse away from Farvald, and get him to the queen bee of the Druids for therapy. Grow tougher at 7th level. Remain Jesse's Jiminy Cricket conscience. Be able to carry more alchemical potions at a time.
Maybe carry a few flash cards with useful words/pictures on them.

Jesse's Wish List: (1) Get a water supply for the Cavate and the Lone Pine.
(2) Get some way that Scaevola Aemula can get in touch with him if she wants to, if she's interested, he'd be ok with that, no pressure. Has she called yet? Also, keep that potted fairy fan flower growing and thriving someplace safe. Maybe he will give it to her as a gift; she might like it.
(3) Get involved with the Druidic Council. Ask around about MFK and Ministry Alchemists. Learn to be a better Druid. Train up to 7th Level.
(4) Work harder in Alchemy. Make some useful things. (Some way SNAFU Guildhall can call/alert Jesse, Defenses, Weapons for Wrong Way.)
(5) Research that weird rock near the cavate. Is it evil? Does it absorb/drain magic? Does it affect Druidic magic differently from Mage magic?
(6) Check in on Purgatory Gulch just to make sure they don't start the same stuff again.

Training to 7th:
(1) Jesse will find the same Druid at the Grand Lodge who taught him the "Beast of the Society" trait, and tell him/her all about Purgatory Gulch and MFK and Ministry Scholars, because Jesse talks.
(2) The training will be on-the-job, whatever his instructor wants done, but hopefully doing good for Purgatory Gulch and the cavate.
(3) Druid training at this level might last 4 months or so.
(4) Familiars grow even bigger at 7th level. Jesse will help Wrong Way get plenty of nutrition. I don't know what will be WW's next growth phase, bigger, tougher, or both. Riding mount? Jesse would be willing to feed WW alchemical potions, but ONLY if WW likes it and an expert or tome says it is perfectly safe.
(5) Jesse wants to revamp his wardrobe and become a good team member, not just a solo act. (Tank, Controller, Scrapper, Blaster, Healer, Ally-Summoner, Info-Sage)

(Druid) Nature Sense: +2 Knowledge (Nature) & Survival.
(Druid) Nature Bond: Animal companion: Wrong Way
(Druid) Wild Empathy: Improve the attitude of an Animal (like a Diplomacy check). 1d20 +druid level +Charisma mod. Magical beast with Int 1 or 2, at -4 penalty.

(Feat) Animal Affinity: +2 Ride & Animal Handling.
(Feat) Natural Spell (Cast spells while in Wild Shape)
(Feat) Brew Potion: Cost= spell level * caster level * 50GP + any costly materials. Orison spell level = 1/2. Skill check: Spellcraft or Craft(Alchemy) roll vs DC 5+ item caster level.
Missing by -5 = Cursed.
Must be able to target the creature drinking the potion (or applied magic oil). Time to brew: <=250gp 2 hours; otherwise 1day per 1000gp value. Vial=AC13, HP1, Hardness1, DC12 to break. ID Potion=Perception vs DC15+spell level. Attack of opportunity to drink potion in combat.

(Feat) Eschew Materials (Cast spells without any material components of <=1GP value). Jesse can eat greater and lesser mistletoe and oak leaves and use his healing skill to avoid the side effects (mild in adults, severe in children and dogs: Blurred vision, Fever, Hallucinations, Nausea, Drowsiness) Gradually, he builds up a tolerance, and the mistletoe in his gut works for spells.

Wrong Way's Feats: (3 at 6th level)
Death from Above (+5 to hit when charging from above while flying, instead of usual charging rules.)
Splash Weapon Mastery (Throw splash weapons farther and more accurately)
Throw Anything (No penalties for improvised ranged weapons, +1 circumstance bonus to hit with thrown splash weapons)

Special Abilities

Druid Spells and Orisons: Spell points= 4+4*2+3*3 = 21. Difficulty Class vs a druid's spell is 10 + spell level + the druid's Wisdom modifier.

Woodland Stride: move through non-magical undergrowth such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.

Trackless step: leave no trail in natural surroundings, cannot be tracked. May choose to leave a trail if so desired.

Resist Nature's Lure: +4 on saving throws vs spell-like & supernatural abilities of fey, and plant-spells and effects, such as blight, entangle, spike growth, and warp wood.

Wild Shape: 2/day (+1/day when wearing Druid's Vestment). Like Beast Shape II, shift into the form of a tiny, small, medium, or large animal or insect (vermin) with which the Druid is well-educated, as in worked with one, studied it in its habitat, helped patch up or feed one that was in trouble, or directly interacted with one. A druid CAN shift and their clothes go to the same place as their original body. Contents not available. The druid can still feel the clothing on their original body's form. It's distracting. So most druids strip down, bundle up their stuff into a backpack, shift, and put on the backpack or pick it up or hide it somewhere. Can speak only to creatures of similar type, but can gesture.

Elemental Bargain: Earth elemental of small or medium size 1/day. Standing on natural terrain. 1 standard action. Price is usually coins, gems, rare minerals.


Alchemical Adept: +2 trait bonus on Craft(Alchemy), failure does not ruin the raw materials unless you roll a 1.

Beast of the Society: Wild Shaping into Small or Medium animal lasts 2 hours per level instead of 1 because a druid at the Grand Lodge taught you how to do it really well.

Condition | Nov 29, 2020

Name AB Critical Type Range Ammo Dmg
Druidic Alchemist's Atlatl +6 20/x2 B 5ft Unlimited 1d6+2
Sling and Stones +5 2x B 50ft 6 1d3/1d4
Acid Flask (Jesse Thrown) +5 2x Acid 10' each 1d6,splash1
Alchemist's Fire (Jesse Thrown) +5 2x Fire 10' each 1d6,splash1,FullRoundActionReflexSaveDC15toavoidsecondroundof1d6.
Tanglefoot Bag (Jesse Thrown) +5 0 Entangle 10' each -2tohit-4Dex,SaveDC15orgluedtofloor.
Acid Flask (Alchemist's Atlatl) +5 2x Acid 20' each 1d6,splash1
Acid Flask (Wrong Way Drop) +7 2x Acid 10' each 1d6,splash1+1moresplash
WrongWaySting +6 2x Piercing 5' Unlimited 1d4+poisonStr1d2
WrongWayChargingSting +11 2x Piercing 125' Unlimited 1d4+poisonStr1d2
Name ACB Type Check Penality Spell Failure Weight Properties
Lamellar Leather0+4Medium-22025lbsHard Leather Scales sewn to Leather Armor
Wooden Shield +1Light-155lbsLeather and wood

The statblocks of your Weapons, armor and other important/magical equipment


Shield, Light; Wooden or Steel

Bonus Max DEX Bonus Armor Check Penalty Arcane Spell Failure % Speed (M) Speed (S)
1 -1 5%

Special: Wooden or Steel: Wooden and steel shields offer the same basic protection, though they respond differently to some spells and effects. Shield Bash Attacks: You can bash an opponent with a light shield. See “shield, light” on Table: Weapons for the damage dealt by a shield bash. Used this way, a light shield is a martial bludgeoning weapon. For the purpose of penalties on attack rolls, treat a light shield as a light weapon. If you use your shield as a weapon, you lose its Armor Class bonus until your next turn. An enhancement bonus on a shield does not improve the effectiveness of a shield bash made with it, but the shield can be made into a magic weapon in its own right.
Cost: 3 gp, 9 gp
Weight: 5 lbs / 6 lbs

Ultimate Equipment

Lamellar (Leather)

Bonus Max DEX Bonus Armor Check Penalty Arcane Spell Failure % Speed (M) Speed (S)
4 3 -2 20% 30 ft. 20 ft.

Cost: 60 gp
Weight: 25 lbs.


Gobbo Club

Damage (S) Damage (M) Type Critical Range
1d6 1d6 B x2 10 ft.

Cost: --
Weight: 3 lbs.

A crude goblin club made to clobber small prey. It's essentially a stick


Spiked Gobbo Club

Damage (S) Damage (M) Type Critical Range
1d8 1d8 B and P x2 --

Cost: 8gp
Weight: 8 lbs.

A reinforced goblin club made to maximize damage. The sharpened bones jabbed into it make it a brutal weapon.


Druidic Alchemist's Atlatl

Damage (S) Damage (M) Type Critical Range
1d3 melee OR see splash weapon used 1d4 melee OR see splash weapon used ranged splash weapon x2 melee OR see splash weapon used for ranged attacks: double normal throwing range (usually 20ft increments with Throw Anything Feat)

Special: Ranged use requires at least 10ft / one square of distance between user and target
Cost: 2000 gp base price to buy, 750 gp base cost plus friendly druid assistance to make
Weight: 2 lbs

This weighted, woodshaped atlatl resembles a handheld, lever-controlled catapult. One end sports a shaft covered in carvings of alchemical formulae, and the other is a roughly carved bowl. The whole thing appears to be naturally grown as if it has just been detached from a full-grown tree.

The user can place an alchemical splash weapon, such as a flask of acid or alchemist’s fire, in the bowl. This is a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity. When the splash weapon is launched from the atlatl, its range is doubled. Magic items (including an alchemist’s bombs) aren’t affected by an alchemist’s atlatl.

As a melee weapon, it functions similarly to a Mere Club (pronounced MEH-reh). It cannot be used for melee purposes and for ranged attack purposes in the same round of initiative.

Construction requirements:
Cost 750 gp
Feats Craft Wondrous Item
Spells longshot


The statblocks of your class features

Companion Link


Animal Companion 1, Druid 1, Paladin 5


A druid can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The druid gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.

Share Spells


Animal Companion 1, Druid 1, Paladin 5


The druid may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. A druid may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion’s type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.

Shield Proficiency (Combat)

You are trained in how to properly use a shield.


When you use a shield (except a tower shield), the shield’s armor check penalty only applies to Strength– and Dexterity-based skills.


When you are using a shield with which you are not proficient, you take the shield’s armor check penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving.


Barbarians, bards, clerics, druids, fighters, paladins, and rangers all automatically have Shield Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it.

Simple Weapon Proficiency (Combat)

You are trained in the use of basic weapons.


You make attack rolls with simple weapons without penalty.


When using a weapon with which you are not proficient, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls.


All characters except for druids, monks, and wizards are automatically proficient with all simple weapons. They need not select this feat.

Armor Proficiency, Light (Combat)

You are skilled at wearing light armors.


When you wear light armor, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks.


A character who is wearing armor with which he is not proficient applies its armor check penalty to attack rolls and to all skill checks that involve moving.


All characters except monks, sorcerers, and wizards automatically have Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it.

Armor Proficiency, Medium (Combat)

You are skilled at wearing medium armor.


Light Armor Proficiency.


Barbarians, clerics, druids, fighters, paladins, and rangers automatically have Medium Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. They need not select it.

Statblocks for your familiars, mounts etc.

CR 1/6

Horned Lizard

N Diminutive Animal
Initiative: +1 Senses: low-light vision, scent; Perception +0

The blunt snout of this lizard bears bony horns, and its flat, round body is adorned with many spines.


AC: 16, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +4 size)
HP: 3 1d8-1
Fortitude: +1 Reflex: +3 Will: +0


Speed: 20 ft.
Melee: bite -1 (1d2-5)
Ranged: blood squirt +5 touch (special)
Space: 1 ft. Reach: 0 ft.


Str 1, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 3
Base Attack: +0 CMB: -3 CMD: 2 (6 vs. trip)
Feats: Run
Skills: Stealth +17
SQ: camouflage, puff up


Environment: warm desert
Organization: solitary, pair, or flock (3–12)
Treasure: none

Special Abilities

Familiar The master of a horned lizard familiar gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves.   Blood Squirt Once per day as a standard action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, a horned lizard can squirt a 5-foot-long stream of blood from the corners of its eyes. The animal’s blood contains noxious chemicals, and a creature hit by the blood must succeed at a DC 9 Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.   Camouflage While in desert terrain, a horned lizard can use the Stealth skill to hide even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment.   Puff Up When taking the total defense action, a horned lizard puffs up its body, appearing larger and more horned and gaining an additional +4 bonus to CMD against grapple attempts.  
Despite their sluggish, toad-like appearance, these creatures are reptiles with dry, spiny skin adapted to prevent water loss in their native desert environment. They are typically found sunning themselves on rocks during all but the hottest parts of the day, retreating beneath the shade of ridges or rocks when the sun is directly overhead. Their main method of defense is to avoid detection, but when their desert coloration fails to fool predators, they attempt to flee or use their other defensive methods, such as their unique ability to rupture blood vessels in their eyes so they can spray noxious blood at approaching predators. Due to their fierce defensive displays, horned lizards are often thought to be overly aggressive, though people who keep them as pets or familiars know that they can be affectionate creatures.

CR 1

Giant Spider

N M Medium vermin
Initiative: +3 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +4

A spider the size of a man crawls silently from the depths of its funnel-shaped web.


AC: 14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 natural armor)
HP: 16 3d8+3
Fortitude: +4 Reflex: +4 Will: +1 ( Immune mind-affecting effects )
Immune: mind-affecting effects


Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee: bite +2 +2 ( 1d6 plus poison)
Special Attacks: web +5 ranged, DC 12, hp 2


Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Attack: +2 CMB: +2 CMD: 15 (27 vs. trip)
Skills: Climb +16 , Perception +4 ( +8 in webs), Stealth +7 ( +11 in webs)


Environment: any
Organization: solitary, pair, or colony (3–8)
Treasure: incidental

Poison (Ex)
Bite—injury; save Fort DC 14; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Strength damage; cure 1 save   Web (Ex)
Creatures with the web ability can use webs to support themselves and up to one additional creature of the same size. In addition, such creatures can throw a web up to eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets up to one size category larger than the web spinner. An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check or burst the web with a Strength check. Both are standard actions with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the creature’s HD + the creature’s Con modifier. Attempts to burst a web by those caught in it take a –4 penalty.   Web spinners can create sheets of sticky webbing up to three times their size. They usually position these sheets to snare flying creatures but can also try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Perception check to notice a web; otherwise they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing gain a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot-square section of web has a number of hit points equal to the Hit Dice of the creature that created it and DR 5/—.   A creature can move across its own web at its climb speed and can pinpoint the location of any creature touching its web.   Format: web (+8 ranged, DC 16, 5 hp Location: Special Attacks.

CR 2

Viper of Essylliss

Animal Companion 3 N T Animal, Viper
Initiative: +4 Senses: low-light vision, scent, Perception +11


AC: 20 (3 natural, 5 Dex, 1 dodge +2 Size), touch 17, flat-footed 14
HP: 13 3d8–3
Fortitude: +4 Reflex: +9 Will: +2 ( Evasion )


Speed: 20 ft
Melee: Bite +8 Piercing with Poison save Fort DC 9; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con damage; cure 1 save.
Space: 2 1/2 ft


Feats: Weapon Finesse, Combat Reflexes, Dodge
SQ: low-light vision, scent, Link, share spells, Tricks (Attack, Come)

Vipers are not particularly aggressive snakes, but their poisonous bite can be deadly.  

Statblocks for companions, followers and other allies.

CR 1

Wrong Way

N M bee, giant
Initiative: +2 Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Perception +1

the Pooh Bear of the 'druid animal companion' insect subset


AC: 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 natural)
HP: 16 3d8+3
Fortitude: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +2 ( Immune (mind altering effects), Weaknesses (smoke) )


Speed: 20 ft | Fly 60 ft
Melee: sting +2 (1d4 plus poison)
Special Attacks:


  • Sting—injury
  • save Fort DC 12
  • frequency 1/round for 4 rounds
  • effect 1d2 Str
  • cure 1 save.

Drop Pebble on Opponent

  • reach 5 ft.


Str 11, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Attack: +2 CMB: +2 CMD: 14
Skills: Fly +6
Languages: Kayam limited but more than typical giant bees


Environment: temperate or warm plains, OR wherever Jesse Devonshire is
Organization: druid animal companion
Treasure: negligible

From d20 Pathfinder SRD with thanks:
Striking yellow and black markings and a coat of bristling hairs cover this immense bee. Its stinger is the size of a dagger blade. Everything is, in turn, probably covered in pollen and/or nectar, because Wrong Way is not a tidy bee at lunchtime.
Giant bees grow to approximately 5 feet in length, with a similar wingspan. These creatures weigh 60 pounds and live in their adult form for nearly 10 years. Giant bees’ stingers are not barbed like those of their diminutive counterparts, so these creatures can sting foes repeatedly and do not die after one sting.

Wrong Way is a juvenile male Giant Bee, raised from infancy by and experiencing a significantly lengthened lifespan as a result.
For one thing, he actually started life believing that he was a Dire Bee! During an adventure, he accidentally doused himself in a magical potion, which faded eventually but never reversed itself. He stayed a Giant Bee. This is not how transformation potions work. So maybe it was a "reveal your true self" potion?
The more nectar Wrong Way eats, the bigger he gets, but on a "life" scale not a "combat time" scale.
Wrong Way ages extremely slowly for anything insect-like. He shows no signs of his calendar age at all. He took years to get from "baby bee" stage to "nearly an adult" stage.
Wrong Way's bestest buddy is Jesse Devonshire, a druid with a truly astounding chin.
When WW is in the sky scanning for trouble, he drops a twig with a leaf on Jesse.
When he goes on break, he drops a twig without any leaf, again aiming for Jesse's close vicinity.
If he sees danger, he drops a nut on Jesse's head and flies closer to Jesse for mutual protection.

Vulnerable to Smoke

Smoke from particularly smoky fires or effects (such as that created by a pyrotechnics spell) causes a giant bee to become nauseated if it fails a DC 14 Fortitude save. This condition persists as long as the giant bee remains in the smoke, plus 1d4 rounds.

Statblocks for your spells.

Level 1 Spells

Forgotten Foes © 2010 Tricky Owlbear Publishing, Inc.; Authors Mark Gedak and Stefen Styrsky.

War Paint

You imbue normal face paint – enough to paint 1 face per caster level – with divine energy.

Transmutation \ \

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Targets: face paint touched
Domain: Orc 1
Deity: Gruumsh


You imbue normal face paint – enough to paint 1 face per caster level – with divine energy. When the paint is used to draw tribal designs upon the face, the resulting pattern is so fierce and intimidating that all who view it must succeed a Will save or be shaken for 1 round per caster level. Those who are successful on their Will saves cannot be affected by war paint’s effects again for 1 full day. Creatures you name as allies are not at risk of becoming shaken by your appearance. The paint’s power lasts a full 24 hours or until purposefully removed, washed, or worn off.

Cure Light Wounds

School conjuration (healing Level bard 1, cleric 1, druid 1, paladin 1, ranger 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range Touch
Targets creature touched
Duration instantaneous

  Saving Throw Will half (harmless see text; ;
  Spell Resistance Yes

  When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. An undead creature can apply spell resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage.


Charm Animal

enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; \ \ druid 1, psychic 1, ranger 1, shaman 1

Targets: one animal


This spell functions like Charm Person, except that it affects a creature of the animal type.

Level 2 Spells

Gust of Wind

School evocation [air];; Level druid 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range 60 ft
Duration 1 round

  Saving Throw Fortitude negates ;
  Effect line-shaped gust of severe wind emanating out from you to the extreme of the range
Spell Resistance Yes

  This spell creates a severe blast of air (approximately 50 mph) that originates from you, affecting all creatures in its path. All flying creatures in this area take a –4 penalty on Fly skill checks. Tiny or smaller flying creatures must make a DC 25 Fly skill check or be blown back 2d6 × 10 feet and take 2d6 points of damage. Small or smaller flying creatures must make a DC 20 Fly skill check to move against the force of the wind. A Tiny or smaller creature on the ground is knocked down and rolled 1d4 × 10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet. Small creatures are knocked prone by the force of the wind. Medium or smaller creatures are unable to move forward against the force of the wind unless they succeed at a DC 15 Strength check. Large or larger creatures may move normally within a gust of wind effect. This spell can’t move a creature beyond the limit of it’s range. Any creature, regardless of size, takes a –4 penalty on ranged attacks and Perception checks in the area of a gust of wind. The force of the gust automatically extinguishes candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames. It causes protected flames, such as those in lanterns, to dance wildly and has a 50% chance to extinguish those lights. In addition to the effects noted, a gust of wind can do anything that a sudden blast of wind would be expected to do. It can create a stinging spray of sand or dust, fan a large fire, overturn delicate awnings or hangings, heel over a small boat, and blow gases or vapors to the edge of its range. Gust of wind can be made permanent with a permanency spell.


Tree Shape

transmutation; \ \ druid 2, ranger 3, shaman 2

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: personal
Duration: 1 hour/level
Targets: you


Components V, S, DF

This spell allows you to assume the form of a Large living tree or shrub or a Large dead tree trunk with a small number of limbs. The exact type of tree, as well as its appearance, is completely under your control. Even the closest inspection cannot reveal that the tree in question is actually a magically concealed creature. To all normal tests you are, in fact, a tree or shrub, although a detect magic spell reveals a faint transmutation on the tree. While in tree form, you can observe all that transpires around you just as if you were in your normal form, and your hit points and save bonuses remain unaffected. You gain a +10 natural armor bonus to AC but have an effective Dexterity score of 0 and a speed of 0 feet. You are immune to critical hits while in tree form. All clothing and gear carried or worn changes with you. You can dismiss tree shape as a free action (instead of as a standard action).  

Level 3 Spells

Cure Moderate Wounds

School conjuration (healing Level bard 2, cleric 2, druid 3, paladin 3, ranger 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range Touch
Targets creature touched
Duration instantaneous

  Saving Throw Will half (harmless see text; ;
  Spell Resistance No

  This spell functions like cure light wounds, except that it cures 2d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +10).


Rain of Frogs

conjuration \ summoning \ bard 3, druid 3, psychic 3, shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner/unchained summoner 3, witch 3

Casting time: 1 round
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration: concentration + 2 rounds
Effect: one swarm of poisonous frogs


Components V, S, M/DF (a square of red cloth)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no     You summon a swarm of poisonous frogs, which attacks all other creatures within its area. You may summon the swarm so that it shares the area of other creatures. If no living creatures are within its area, the swarm attacks or pursues the nearest creature as best it can. The caster has no control over its target or direction of travel.   And here is a complete stat block for a poisonous frog swarm:   Poisonous Frog Swarm
N Diminutive animal (swarm)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft.; Perception 1d20+4   DEFENSE   AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +4 size)
hp 31 (9d8–9)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Swarm traits, Immune weapon damage   OFFENSE   Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee swarm ( 2d6 plus poison ( 1d4 Con damage; Fort DC 13))
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 13), poison
  STATISTICS   Str 1, Dex 19, Con 8, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +6; CMB —; CMD —
Feats Weapon FinesseB
Skills Climb 1d20+12 , Perception +4; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Bite—injury; save Fortitude DC 13; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Con damage; cure 1 save.   The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.   *Special Notes on the Stat Block: If this were truly an “animal” instead of vermin (as centipede would be) there would be many other changes to make as well. However, the spell simply says to use the centipede swarm with the following changes…” so only the changes indicated in the spell have been applied.   Section 15: Copyright Notice Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.

Statblocks for your Trinkets, businesses, building, castles, empires.

Druidic Alchemist's Atlatl

Damage (S) Damage (M) Type Critical Range
1d3 melee OR see splash weapon used 1d4 melee OR see splash weapon used ranged splash weapon x2 melee OR see splash weapon used for ranged attacks: double normal throwing range (usually 20ft increments with Throw Anything Feat)

Special: Ranged use requires at least 10ft / one square of distance between user and target
Cost: 2000 gp base price to buy, 750 gp base cost plus friendly druid assistance to make
Weight: 2 lbs

This weighted, woodshaped atlatl resembles a handheld, lever-controlled catapult. One end sports a shaft covered in carvings of alchemical formulae, and the other is a roughly carved bowl. The whole thing appears to be naturally grown as if it has just been detached from a full-grown tree.

The user can place an alchemical splash weapon, such as a flask of acid or alchemist’s fire, in the bowl. This is a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity. When the splash weapon is launched from the atlatl, its range is doubled. Magic items (including an alchemist’s bombs) aren’t affected by an alchemist’s atlatl.

As a melee weapon, it functions similarly to a Mere Club (pronounced MEH-reh). It cannot be used for melee purposes and for ranged attack purposes in the same round of initiative.

Construction requirements:
Cost 750 gp
Feats Craft Wondrous Item
Spells longshot

[block:   Splash Weapons - Acid - Alchemist Fire - Tanglefoot. Jesse stored these under the bench seat of the beer wagon. He will pull them out when necessary.   Boots of the Cat (land on your feet taking minimum damage from any fall). Jesse has been wearing these but hasn't taken a fall lately.   Druid's Vestment (one extra Wild Shape per day). Jesse has been wearing this as a kilt. He dons the vestment like a bathrobe and ties the belt. Then he pulls the top off of his shoulders and lets it hang down the back.   Pending GM Approval: Magic Vest of Wooden Lamellar Armor This would put a lampshade on the glaring flaw that Jesse shows a lot of skin yet has 4 points of armor. If approved it gives all the benefits and liabilities of wearing Wooden Lamellar Armor. But it can be donned and doffed much faster. An armor smith passing through Aquitaine thought everybody would love it. But everybody thought it looked dumb compared to Bracers of Armor+4 which can be worn in addition to real armor or worn by mages. Except Jesse loved it.]

Created by

Paging Doctor KILLJOY.


Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Character Sheet
