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"Luna is a Cheerful Delve who Crafts Illusions."

  • Climbing /T
  • Exploration /T
  • Creature Knowledge/T
  • Making Friends/T
  • Ending Conflicts/T
  • Making a positive first impression/T
  • Detect Falsehood and Disguises/I
  • deception/T
Sword - Medium Weapon. 4 damage. (Illusion)
Damage Tracking
Speed Cost
Damage =
weapon damage + bonus from roll - armour
3 Coins
Clothing, Boom Stick, 1 unit of responsive synth, a pack of light tools, an explorer’s pack,

A synth torc that makes the wearer so dizzy that it’s almost impossible to walk a straight line.

A piece of clear glass in a synth frame. By manipulating hidden switches on the frame, you can make random moving images appear on the glass. The images are usually strange and sometimes incomprehensible.
Cyphers (max: 3)
Projectile Module (Teleport) 3
 Usable: Small metal and synth plate Effect: This cypher must be attached to another cypher or artifact (a level 4 task) that fires solid projectiles, like a slugspitter or a compactor. Once attached, it no longer counts against a character’s cypher limit. The projectile(s) of the cypher or artifact it is attached to now teleport through barriers to get to the target, but the target must be seen. The attack ignores Armor and can even pass through solid barriers. The module cannot be removed from the device without destroying both the module and the device.
Special Abilities
Psychedelic Abilities Enabler0
Your special abilities take on flamboyant visual and auditory qualities of your choosing. This alteration changes nothing other than the appearance of the effects. For example, your attack esoteries might look like monsters made of energy that assail your foes. Your Stasis esotery might look like a tentacled beast that holds the victim in place. Your Teleportation esotery might seem like a hole in space opens up and swallows you. Your Skill With Defense fighting move might look like ghostly echoes mimicking your actions or ephemeral arms blocking attacks against you.
Community Explorer Enabler0
While you are present within a community, and actively and personally working on behalf of that community, the community’s effective rank for purposes of finding resources, locating new trade routes, knowing about conditions just beyond the community, and detecting sneak attacks by enemies is +1.
Trained Without Armor Enabler0
You are trained in Speed defense tasks when not wearing armor.
Skill With Defense Enabler0
Choose one type of defense task in which you are not already trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. You are trained in defense tasks of that type. You can select this lore up to three times. Each time you select it, you must choose a different type of defense task. Enabler.
Minor Illusion Action1
You create a single image of a creature or object within immediate range. The image must fit within a 10-foot (3 m) cube. The image can move (for example, you could make the illusion of a person walk or attack), but it can’t leave the area defined by the cube. The illusion includes sound but not smell. It lasts for ten minutes, but if you want to change the original illusion significantly—such as making a creature appear to be wounded—you must concentrate on it again (though doing so doesn’t cost additional Intellect points). If you move beyond immediate range of the cube, the illusion vanishes. Action to create; action to modify.
Right tool for the job Enabler1
Right Tool for the Job (1 Intellect point + iotum): If you have at least 1 unit of iotum, you can fashion a temporary device that provides an asset to one physical, non￾combat task, identified ahead of time. For example, if you need to climb a wall, you could create some sort of climbing assistance device; if you need to break out of a cell, you can tune iotum in your possession to serve as a lockpick; if you need to create a small distraction, you could trigger an iotum to make a loud bang and flash; and so on. Once fashioned, the adapted iotum lasts for about a minute or until used for the intended purpose. This use destroys the iotum. Action to prepare the iotum; action to initiate.
Foil Danger Action2
Foil Danger (2 Intellect points): You negate one source of potential danger related to one creature or object that you are aware of within immediate distance for one round. This could be a weapon or device held by someone, a trap triggered by a pressure plate, or a creature’s natural ability (something special, innate, and dangerous, like an ithsyn’s gas spray or a cragworm’s venom). You can also try to foil a foe's mundane action (such as an attack with a weapon or claw), so that the action isn't made this round. Make your roll against the level of the attack, danger, or creature. Action.
Tendrils instead of fingers Enabler0
Your fingers are tendrils 12 inches (30 cm) long. They are an asset to any task involving climbing, grasping, or keeping your grip. Further, you can effectively pick up and hold two objects in each hand rather than one. You can’t wield more than one weapon per hand. Also roll on the beneficial mutations table. Enabler.
Snake tail: Enabler0
You have a prehensile tail that is 6 feet (2 m) long. It is an asset for all tasks involving grappling or wrestling. The tail can grasp large objects. Also roll on the beneficial mutations table. Enabler.
Major Illusion Action3
You create a complex scene of images within immediate range. The entire scene must fit within a 100- foot (30 m) cube. The images can move, but they can’t leave the area defined by the cube. The illusion includes sound and smell. It lasts for ten minutes and changes as you direct (no concentration is needed). If you move beyond immediate range of the cube, the illusion vanishes. Action to create.
Scorn Harm Enabler0
You ignore the impaired condition and treat the debilitated condition as impaired.
Disguise Action2
Disguise (2+ Intellect points). You appear to be someone or something else, roughly of your size and shape, for up to one hour. Once created, the disguise requires no concentration. For each additional Intellect point you spend, you can disguise one other creature. All disguised creatures must stay within sight of you or lose their disguise.
  • Increase Capabilities
  • Moving Towards Perfection
  • Extra Effort
  • Skill Training
  • Other Advancement
Recovery: 1d6 + 3 + 0
Rest Duration Already Taken
First rest 1 Action
Second rest 1 Minute
Third rest 1 Hour
Fourth rest 10 Hours

Use all your options to reduce the difficulty, if it is still above zero, roll against its target number.
TN - 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
result 0 = failure, 1 = success

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Statblock Type

Numenera Character Sheet
