• Primitive Weapon Mastery (Ex): Neanderthals have a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls made with the following weapons: bolas, club, dart, greatclub, goad, harpoon, iuak, javelin, longspear, quarterstaff, ritiik, shortbow, shortspear, sling, spear, sugliin, throwing axe, and tiger skull club.
• +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Survival checks. Neanderthals have excellent senses and know how to get along in the wild with ease.
• Illiteracy: Neanderthals do not automatically know how to read and write. A neanderthal must spend 2 skill points to gain the ability to read and write all languages he is able to speak. He does not automatically gain this skill when taking a nonbarbarian character class, with the exception of the wizard class.
• Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Giant, and Orc. Neanderthals are familiar with the languages of giants and orcs, for these two groups are common enemies that vie for competing land with them. Likewise, their penchant for dwelling in caves and underground ruins often puts them in contact with dwarves.
• +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Dexterity, –2 Intelligence. Neanderthals are strong and hardy, but are hampered by slow intellects and reflexes.
• Medium: As Medium creatures, neanderthals have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Neanderthal base land speed is 30 feet.
• Climate Tolerant (Ex): Neanderthals suffer little harm from environmental extremes of heat or cold. They do not have to make Fortitude saves in extreme environments between –20° and 140° F (severe cold to severe heat). This ability does not provide any protection from fire or cold damage. This ability counts as if a neanderthal had the Cold Endurance feat for purposes of fulfilling prerequisites for other feats or prestige classes.
• Human Blood: For all effects related to race, a neanderthal is considered a human. Neanderthals are just as vulnerable to special effects that affect humans as humans are, and they can use magic items that are only usable by humans.
• Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass neanderthal’s barbarian class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.
Goad 8gp, 2d4, x2crit, no range, 10lb., Bludgeoning or piercing, from Dragon #331 & Frostburn, Goad: A goad is a long, thin wooden pole mounted with a heavy stone or metal weight and a large spike at one end. Primarily intended as a tool to direct the movement of large animals, a goad makes an excellent weapon in a pinch. When you attack with a goad, you must decide if you are attacking with the spike to deal piercing damage or the weight to deal bludgeoning damage. The fl exibility of the goad’s shaft absorbs much of the force behind blows made with the bludgeoning head, and all bludgeoning damage dealt by a goad is nonlethal as a result. Piercing damage remains lethal. If you are profi cient with its use, the goad grants a +2 circumstance bonus on all Handle Animal checks made against animals of Huge size or larger.
Harpoon 15gp, 1d10, x2crit, 30 ft. range, 10 lb., Piercing, from Frostburn, The harpoon is a broad-bladed spear forged with barbs. The shaft of the harpoon has a trailing rope attached to control harpooned opponents. Though designed for hunting whales and other large sea creatures, the harpoon can be used on dry land. If it deals damage, the harpoon lodges in an opponent who fails a Refl ex saving throw (DC 10 + the damage dealt). A harpooned creature moves at only half speed and cannot charge or run. If you control the trailing rope by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while holding it, the harpooned creature can move only within the limits that the rope allows (the trailing rope is 30 feet long). If the harpooned creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed on a DC 15 Concentration check or lose the spell. The harpooned creature can pull the harpoon from its wound if it has two free hands and takes a full-round action to do so, but it deals damage to itself equal to the initial damage the harpoon dealt. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Heal check can remove a harpoon without further damage.
Whip 1gp, 1d3 x2 15 ft. 2 lb. Slashing Player's Handbook, A whip deals nonlethal damage. It deals no damage to any creature with an armor bonus of +1 or higher or a natural armor bonus of +3 or higher. The whip is treated as a melee weapon with 15-foot reach, though you don’t threaten the area into which you can make an attack. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, you can use it against foes anywhere within your reach (including adjacent foes). Using a whip provokes an attack of opportunity, just as if you had used a ranged weapon. Because a whip can wrap around an enemy’s leg or other limb, you can make trip attacks with a it. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the whip to avoid being tripped. When using a whip, you get a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to keep from being disarmed if the attack fails). You can use the Weapon Finesse feat (page 102) to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a whip sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon for you.