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Goblin Pyro - creature 1

Some goblins take their people’s admiration of fire fully into the realm of deadly obsession. These pyromaniacs can be a great boon to a band of goblin raiders eager to torch their enemies and wreak havoc. More often, however, their presence is a double-edged sword; in the heat of the moment, goblin pyros sometimes lose sight of their tribe’s goals and simply set fire to anything that will burn—including their own allies.
Perception +4; darkvision
Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Acrobatics +7, Fire Lore +7, Stealth +7

STR +0 , DEX +4 , CON +2 , INT +0 , WIS -1 , CHA +3

Items torch
AC 17
Saving Throws Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +4
Speed 25 feet
Melee 1 action torch +7 (fire), Damage 1d4 bludgeoning plus 1 fire
Special Abilities Goblin Scuttle reaction Trigger A goblin ally ends a move action adjacent to the pyro. Effect The goblin pyro Steps.
Spells Arcane Spontaneous Spells DC 16, attack +6; 1st (3 slots) burning hands, grease; Cantrips (1st) light, mage hand, produce flame, tanglefoot

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
