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Voice of an Arle
+2 or +4
Required: Noble , GM Discretion   From your actions, you are now known to speak with the authority of an Arle within regions of Theydim. This may mean you are recognized as speaking for the Arle, or you are rising to a position of becoming an Arle yourself. This authority comes with the responsibility for your words, and with the spreading word of your actions, this may also alter how others view you. (Full of loose concept ideas and erroneous names)   +2| You may choose to add your Voice of an Arle rank onto your Persuasion or Intimidation attempts while within the Arling you gained this ability in. In the bordering Arlings, you may add half of your ability rank onto your persuasion or intimidation attempts.
+4|You may choose to add your Voice of an Arle rank onto your Persuasion or Intimidation attempts while within the Arling you gained this ability in. In the bordering Arlings, you may add half of your ability rank onto your persuasion or intimidation attempts. Throughout the rest of Theydim, you may add 1 onto your Persuasion or Intimidation attempts.

Created by

Lyraine Alei.

Statblock Type

CD10: Traits and Skills
