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Dwarven Watchman - Officer 1

Guards are rank-and-file members of a town watch or city guard, trained to look for trouble, take down criminals, and follow orders. They are a match for only the most fledgling of adventurers and criminals, but, given time, the settlement can usually muster them in numbers sufficient to neutralize most threats.
Perception Expert (9 to find concealed objects)
Languages Common
Skills Athletics Trained , Intimidation Expert , Legal Lore Trained ,

STR +4 , DEX +2 , CON +3 , INT +0 , WIS +3 , CHA -2

Items Items club, crossbow (10 bolts), dagger, sap, scale mail, signal whistle
AC 18
Saving Throws Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6
Speed 20 ft
Melee Club expert +4 / -1 ] , Damage Bludgeoning Sap expert +5 / +2 ] , (agile, nonlethal) Damage Bludgeoning
Ranged Crossbow expert +2 / -3 ] (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), Damage Piercing
Special Abilities
  • Attack of Opportunity Reaction

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
