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Giant Boar - Creature 4

Considerably nastier than a typical wild boar, the giant boar seems to enjoy opportunities for violent encounters. Technically an omnivorous scavenger, the giant boar will never pass up the opportunity for a meal of freshly killed meat. Furthermore, the creatures are highly territorial, and considers almost any other creature larger than a squirrel to be a potential threat to its domain.

Some clans of Orcs on Cartyrion revere the giant boar, and consider the solo hunting killing of one to be the ultimate test of a hunter's prowess. There are tales that tell of bands of fighting Orcs mounted upon these creatures during the Great Strife as well.

A typical adult giant boar is 10 feet (3m) long and 7 feet (2m) tall at the shoulder. It weighs approximately 2,000 pounds (900kg).
Perception +12, Low Light Vision, Imprecise Scent, 30ft.
Skills Acrobatics+8, Athletics+12, Survival+10

STR +6 , DEX +0 , CON +3 , INT -4 , WIS +2 , CHA -1

AC 21
Saving Throws Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +10
Speed 40ft
Tusk: +14 / +10 / +6 ; Damage: 2d8+6 Piercing
Special Abilities Boar Charge: The giant boar Strides twice (up to 80') and then makes a tusk Strike. As long as it moved at least 20', it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its attack roll. A Medium or smaller creature struck by this attack must succeed at a DC19 Reflex save or be knocked prone by the force of the blow.

Trigger: The creature is reduced to 9 hit points. Effect: The creature avoids being knocked out and remains at 1HP, but its wounded value increases by 1. When it is Wounded 3, it can no longer use this ability.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
