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Clockwork Footman - Clockwork 1 1

This four-armed, human-sized clockwork Automoton   Since clockwork engineers can’t always be present to make sure their devices are working at full capacity, the clockwork footman was invented to serve that role. Clockwork footmen excel at repairing themselves and other clockworks on the battlefield, proving useful for skirmishes and campaigns alike. Rumors of clockwork footmen with magically imparted intelligence persist among explorers of certain strange ruins—while no smarter than the average human, such “awakened” clockwork footmen have skills and feats as appropriate for their station, and are said to serve in more complex roles than mere repair workers
Perception Expert , Darkvision, Low-Light Vision
Languages Common, Utopian
Skills Athletics Expert , Craft Expert , Survival Expert

STR +4 , DEX +3 , CON +2 , INT -5 , WIS +2 , CHA -5

Items Shoulder Net Launcher, 5 Nets
AC 16
Saving Throws Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +7
HP26 - Immunities bleed damage, death effects, disease, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, poison, and the doomed, drained, fatigued, paralyzed, sickened, and unconscious - Weaknesses Electricity 3
Speed 30 feet,
Melee Fist +9 +5 / +1 (agile, finesse), Damage Bludgeoning
Special Abilities
  • Additional Limbs a clockwork footman has four arms and three legs; these additional appendages grant them a +2 circumstance bonus to Grapple and Trip checks
  • Net Launcher (Uncommon, Clockwork, Consumable, Gadget) a clockwork footman can launch a net from its shoulder. The launcher itself can contain up to five nets—When you activate the launcher, it fires an unattached net requiring only a single hand, and at a greater distance. As normal, you make a ranged attack roll against a Medium or smaller creature, but you can target a creature up to 60 feet away, instead of only 20 feet away. The net trap otherwise functions as an unattached net.. Some clockwork footmen are outfitted with masterwork or even magic nets, although the clockwork footman presented here is armed with standard nets.
  • Net You can attempt a ranged attack roll against a Medium or smaller creature within 20 feet. On a hit, the target is flat-footed and takes a –10- foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it Escapes, and on a critical hit, it's also immobilized until it Escapes. The Escape DC is 16. A creature adjacent to the target can Interact to remove the net.
  • Craft Clockwork A Clockwork Footman can craft common or Clockwork items; they do not keep formula books but instead they "eat" a sheet of paper that has one formula on it. they can craft that item with their craft skill. A footman can only hold one formula this way and the paper is destroyed when another formula replaces it.
  • Repair ClockworkClockwork servants are adept at repairing other clockwork constructs. A clockwork servant can repair damage done to either itself or an adjacent clockwork creature, with a DC 12 Craft Check. Critical Success The Clockwork repairs 2d10 HP . Success The Clockwork repairs 1d10 HP . Failure The Clockwork does not repair any damage.
Wind-Up: DC 19; Time: 1 Min/ 24 Hours: To remain operational, a clockwork footman must be wound with it's key by a creature. After 24 hrs, the footman becomes inactive and immobile until it's wound again. A clockwork footman can be placed into standby mode as a 3-action activity; a clockwork creature must perform this activity itself. A clockwork footman's operational time doesn't decrease in standby. A creature can attempt to Disable a Device to wind a clockwork down (with a DC listed in the wind-up entry).

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
