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Tyrannosaurus - creature 10

Widely regarded as the king of the dinosaurs, the tyrannosaurus is a massive predator with a wide mouth filled with viciously sharp teeth. Thundering beasts of fury and hunger, tyrannosauruses are bold and fearless carnivores that eagerly bite off great hunks of large prey and swallow smaller prey—such as most humanoids—in a single gulp. Although they can subsist on carrion, tyrannosaurs prefer live prey.   Tyrannosauruses stand on two wide, powerful hind legs that allow them to run quickly, and their thick tails provide them with exceptional balance. Although a their small forelimbs are of little use other than to hold prey in place while the predators tear at their victim’s flesh with their fearsome jaws, even these forelimbs bear sharp claws several inches long. As fearsome as tyrannosauruses are alone, they sometimes hunt in packs to take down massive prey. Only the most powerful creatures can successfully train tyrannosauruses, and even then, only when they can provide the ravenous beasts with a steady diet of meat.   Some tribes of giants, particularly cyclopes or more obscure denizens of primeval lands, have even trained tyrannosauruses as mounts or beasts of war. In other places, xulgaths feed these prisoners to these mighty dinosaurs as part of executions or ritual sacrifices. Some xulgath cults even revere tyrannosaurs as incarnations of their violent demonic demigods. For their part, tyrannosaurs who have grown used to having their meals provided in this manner are remarkably well-behaved toward their feeders and keepers. Tyrannosauruses are 50 feet long and weigh 7 tons or more.     Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 27
Perception Master ; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Acrobatics Expert , Athletics Master

STR +8 , DEX +1 , CON +5 , INT -4 , WIS +3 , CHA +0

AC 29
Saving Throws Fort +21, Ref +15, Will +19
Speed 40 feet
  • jaws +22 / +17 / +12 , (deadly 1d12 , reach 20 feet)Damage piercing plus Grab
  • Foot +22 / +17 / +12 , (reach 15 feet)Damage bludgeoning
  • Fling Requirements A creature is Grabbed in the tyrannosaurus's jaws. Effect The tyrannosaurus flings the creature into the air up to 10 feet up from its mouth and 20ft away. The creature falls 25 feet (assuming the tyrannosaurus flings it as high as it can) and takes falling damage accordingly. If the flung creature lands on another creature, the creature it lands on takes the same amount of bludgeoning damage. The creature being landed upon can attempt a DC 23 basic Reflex save.
Special Abilities
  • Pin Prey Trigger The tyrannosaurus critically hits a Large or smaller foe with its foot. EffectThe creature struck by the foot is knocked prone and the tyrannosaurus uses its foot to hold the creature in place. As long as the tyrannosaurus doesn't move from its position, the pinned creature is Grabbed. A tyrannosaurus gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack a creature it has pinned in this manner, but it cannot use swallow whole on the target unless it uses its jaws to Grab the victim first.
  • Swallow Whole (Jaw attack) Medium, bludgeoning , Rupture 26
  • Trample Huge or smaller, foot, DC 29
Bestiary pg. 101

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
