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Talvali: the Skylands

Ability Draw

Copy a Feat from another being for a short time.

Enchantment \ \ [mind-affecting]
arcanist/sorcerer/wizard 7, bard 6-level
Save: none
SR: No

Casting time: 1 minute
Range: personal
Duration: 10 min./level
Targets: 1 creature up to Medium distance (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Bloodline: Impossible 7
Componenent: V, S, M <span class="djr-materialComponents">(a parchment inscribed with special inks listing the caster’s name and a description of the Feat to be copied)</span>


This spell copies one Feat from a single, living target into the mind of the caster. For the duration, the spell caster can use the Feat as if possessing it, naturally. The caster must know that the target possesses the Feat in question (possibly through the spell detect abilities or through direct observation) in order to cast this spell and attempt copying it. The subject retains the original Feat and is unaware of the copying. Casting the spell is a difficult process, requiring full concentration by the caster as they slowly construct arcane links between the target and themselves. These links, to both body and mind, allow the Feat to actually take up residence in the caster without possessing any prerequisites. After the spell expires, the copied Feat evaporates, leaving nothing behind.

Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

