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Corpselight - Creature 2

A will-o'-wisp that starves to death might rise as a cold, blue, glowing sphere of spongy wetness—a corpselight. A corpselight instinctively seeks out a host corpse to dwell within, as its physical form quickly deteriorates if not hidden within a dead creature.  
  • Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 21
  • Unspecific Lore: DC 19
  • Specific Lore: DC 16
Larger Corpselights
A typical corpselight can animate only a Small or Medium corpse, but particularly powerful corpselights can inhabit larger bodies. Their basic abilities remain the same, but the damage they deal and the DC of their Death Light increase as appropriate for their increased level.
Pathfinder #163: Ruins of Gauntlight pg. 84
Perception +7 , corpse sense (precise) 30 feet, darkvision
Languages Common, Necril
Skills Athletics +7 , Intimidation +8 , Stealth +8

STR +3 , DEX +4 , CON +1 , INT +1 , WIS +1 , CHA +2

AC 17
Saving Throws Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +7 , Negative Healing
HP40 - Immunities death effects, disease, fear, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious - Weaknesses bludgeoning 5 (in skeletal corpses) or slashing 5 (in fleshy corpses)
Speed 25 feet, fly 25 feet (wisp form only)
Melee pincer +11 +7 / +3 (agile, reach 10 feet) Damage Slashing plus Grab
Stinger +11 +6 / +1 Damage Piercing plus giant scorpion venom
Melee Single Action jaws +10 [+5/+0], Damage 1d8+6 piercing Melee Single Action claw +10 [+6/+2] (agile), Damage 1d6+6 slashing
Special Abilities Corpse SenseA corpselight can sense dead bodies within range. This is a precise sense that functions through solid barriers less than 5 feet thick.
Sunlight Powerlessness A corpselight exposed to sunlight is stunned 2 and clumsy 2, and cannot Claim a Corpse.
Wisp Form When a corpselight is reduced to 0 Hit Points while merged with a corpse, it is instead reduced to 1 Hit Point as the corpse collapses to the ground and the corpselight emerges in its wisp form. While in wisp form, a corpselight is Tiny and can take no actions other than Claim Corpse or Fly. A corpselight that starts its turn in wisp form must attempt a DC 16 flat check at the end of its turn; if it fails, it loses 1 Hit Point. A corpselight reduced to 0 Hit Points while in wisp form is destroyed.
Claim Corpse (necromancy) Prerequisites The corpselight is in wisp form and is adjacent to a Medium or Small corpse that hasn't been claimed by a corpselight in the past 24 hours Effect The corpselight merges with the corpse, causes the corpse to Stand, and regains Hit Points .
Death Light (emotion, fear, mental, necromancy, occult) Prerequisites The corpselight is in a corpse; Effect The corpselight emits a sickly blue beam of light from its mouth and eyes in a 20-foot cone. All living creatures in this area must attempt a DC 18 Fortitude saving throw. If at least 1 creature fails its save, the corpselight regains Hit Points , gaining any that exceed its maximum as temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute. The corpselight can't use Death Light again for rounds.
  • Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
  • Success The creature takes negative damage .
  • Failure The creature takes negative damage and is frightened 1.
  • Critical FailureThe creature takes negative damage and is frightened 3.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
