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Bound Equipment (Kimeta)


Kimeta 1


When an Kimeta craft an item, they peer into the nature of the metal, wood, stone, or other materials. In effect, they almost place a part of themselves into what they make. Therefore a weapon or piece of armor they make for themselves is almost like a limb or a 'second skin' to them as they bond to the very elements in the item.
At every level the Kimeta has 'Bound Equipment', they can bond with one item they have crafted for themselves. This can be a weapon or armor. If the weapon or armor is not on the Kimeta at the time, they can mystically summon those bound pieces of equipment to them. These bound items summoned by an Kimeta either appear on the Kimeta's body if armor, or in their hands if weapons.
At every level the Kimeta has 'Bound Equipment', they can bond with one item they have crafted for themselves. This can be a weapon or armor. If the weapon or armor is not on the Kimeta at the time, they can mystically summon those bound pieces of equipment to them. These bound items summoned by an Kimeta either appear on the Kimeta's body if armor, or in their hands if weapons.
As this ability is primal, elemental magic, spells such as antimagic barriers may attempt to block the Kimeta from calling their bound equipment. Kimetas can attempt to overcome this through a successful Save vs Will roll against a DC + the level of the spellcaster who created the antimagic barrier.

Created by

Kummer Wolfe.


Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

