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Thunderblow (Kimeta)


Kimeta 1


Beginning at 1st level, then at every other level afterwards, the Kimeta becomes adept at striking at the exact weak spots to damage a creation with the greatest result. This is due to the Kimeta being able to see and hear the elemental flaws in the crafted items. The places where the materials don't work in harmony. When the Kimeta strikes, a dull peal of thunder echoes from the blow as the base elements are shoved apart.
Note that if the Kimeta is affected by a Blindness, Silence, Fog, or Antimagic barrier, they must make a Save vs Will with the Difficulty Number being 10+the level of the caster.
Anytime an Kimeta makes an attack of opportunity, they are able to cause an additional 1d6 points of damage if the attack succeeds. This damage increases by 1d6 at every other level, so 2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on. This damage is also applied if the Kimeta attacks a construct, object, or animated object.
Use of this ability never provokes an attack of opportunity. If the Kimeta attacks an item being held by a creature, excess damage to the ruptured item is applied to the creature holding the ruined item.
Note, this means the Kimeta may not take the Sunder or Improved Sunder Feat.
At 3rd level, the Kimeta has become skilled enough to understand how to shatter natural armor, such as scales, or natural weapons such as claws. Treat attacks on natural weapons as an attack on an item held by a creature. Damage dealt in this way reduces the base AC of the natural armor to a minimum of 1. Damage dealt to natural weapons become a negative penalty on the damage the natural weapons can deal out.
Magical healing, or a DC 15 Heal check, can remove this damage if performed as a standard action.
Penalties dealt to natural weapons and armor remain until healed.

Created by

Kummer Wolfe.


Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

