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Favored Terrain (Misakuwo)


Misakuwo 3


Starting at 3rd level and every 5 levels after that, the Misakuwo may select a terrain type they have studied and attuned themselves to. Their studies include the native life and nature spirits that live there.
For every selection of a Favored Terrain, the Misakuwo gains a +2 bonus on initiative, Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks when in this terrain. A Misakuwo leaves no sign of their passage through this favored terrain and cannot be tracked there unless they choose otherwise.
If the Misakuwo selects the same terrain again at levels beyond 3rd, the bonus increases by +2. Some terrains fall into more than one category, but the bonuses do not stack. Therefore, the Misakuwo uses the higher bonus related to that Favored Terrain.

Created by

Kummer Wolfe.


Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

