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Trap Arrow (Misakuwo)


Misakuwo 3


At 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the Misakuwo has learned the ability to make a particular trick or ‘trap’ arrow. At those levels, the Misakuwo selects which type of trap they learn to make.
Once the Misakuwo has learned a type of trap arrow to make, they cannot unlearn it.  Attaching the trap is a standard action if done in combat and may only be done to an arrow.
To create a trap or effect for future arrow attachment, the Misakuwo uses similar rules as the official Pathfinder rules for 'Create Wondrous Item'. The Misakuwo must have the tools for crafting these special arrowheads, the component materials already harvested from their Favored Terrain, and a full quiver of 20 standard, non-magical fletched arrow shafts ready to be fitted into the crafted arrowheads.
This trap arrowhead crafting requires 8 uninterrupted hours of skilled working, at the end of which the Misakuwo rolls on their Craft Bows skill. If they beat the DC -- which will usually be the Misakuwo's current level plus 5, but may be higher if they planned to do a mixed batch of trap arrow types in one day -- they have prepared 20 heads ready to securely store until needed.
Note that arrows stored in magical quivers such as “Badger’s Quiver”, or a quiver that magically stores endless amounts of arrows cannot be used with this ability, because of the magic of the quiver interfering with the ability of the Misakuwo’s traps.
  Open for the Trick Arrow Types
Acid Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrowhead that shatters on impact, coating the target in acid. The target takes 1d6 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level in damage. The target may roll a Reflex save vs 10 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level as the DC to negate the damage.
Alarm Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does no damage. But on impact, will create a sudden, loud noise as per the “Alarm” spell.
Barb Blossom Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does not do normal arrow damage. On impact, the arrow shoots out barbs in a 10 foot radius, spearing anything nearby including the target.
All targets in this range will be speared with 1d4+1 barbs that each deal 1 point of damage. Targets may roll a Reflex save vs 10 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level to half the number of barbs they are hit with.
These barbs make climbing, swimming, and acrobatic skill checks much more difficult. Those skill checks are performed at a minus equal to the number of barbs ( 1d4+1 ) the target was impaled with.
Barbs can be removed if the target is not in combat and a successful Heal skill check vs 10 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level. If the check fails, the barb is removed, but the target takes an additional 1d4 points of damage per barb.
The barbs crumble after a number of rounds equal to the Misakuwo’s level.
Decoy Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does no damage. On impact, the arrowhead releases a bright flash that causes a shadowy, humanoid figure to appear 60 feet away from the target. This shadow figment will either run away or toward the target by the Misakuwo’s discretion.
The target may attempt a Will save or Perception check vs 10 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level to realize this is only a harmless illusion. Success disrupts the illusion, causing it to fade.
Fire Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does not do normal arrow damage. Instead, it explodes on contact with a target, causing 1d6 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level in fire damage to the target. The fire lasts 2d4 rounds.
Freezing Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does not do normal arrow damage. Instead, it shatters on contact with a target, spraying the target in ice powder, causing 1d4 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level in cold damage to the target.
Also, the target must make a Reflex save vs 10 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level as DC. If they fail, they are ensnared and stuck to the ground. If successful, the damage is halved, and the target is not ensnared. The ice lasts 2d4 rounds.
Luminous Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does not do normal arrow damage. The arrowhead breaks open on contact, scattering glowing herbs and dust into the air in a 10 foot radius. All creatures in this radius are covered in the dust that glows with a candle-like light.
All such targets affected by this take a -2 penalty on all Stealth checks. Invisible targets are no longer invisible, as the glowing dust outlines them. The effect lasts for 1 round per the Misakuwo’s level or until the dust is washed off ( this is a move action if in combat ).
Healing Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does no damage. But on impact, the healing oils contained in the arrowhead are released, granting 1d6 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level in healing.
If this arrow is used against undead, it causes the same damage and effect as an acid arrow spell.
Marking Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does not do normal arrow damage. Once hit, the target is now marked with a dye or scent of the Misakuwo’s choosing. This dye or scent causes a -4 on all Stealth, Survival checks and any DC against being tracked by the Misakuwo.
Poison Arrow
This arrow does the normal damage for an arrow. In addition, the target suffers the condition of poisoned. The target takes 1d4 Con damage per round for 6 rounds. If the target makes a Fortitude save vs 10 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level, then the damage is 1 point of Con for 3 rounds.
The poison’s effects can be removed early through a healing spell or a Heal skill vs 10 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level.
Rust Monster Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does not do normal arrow damage. On impact, the target is showered with the dust from a rust monster’s antennae. This causes 1d4 points of damage to any metal objects the target is wearing. Damage taken is a penalty to the effectiveness of the metal item. Armor takes a -1d4 AC and weapon damage is reduced by 1d4.
If the target makes a successful Reflex save vs 10 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level, then the target’s metal items take no damage.
Smoke Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does not do normal arrow damage. When the arrow strikes the target, a cloud of smoke is released that fills a 10 foot radius around the target. This acts as per Fog Cloud.
The smoke obscures all sight and sight based abilities such as darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures in this smoke cloud have a -5 to all attack rolls and may not use sight to locate opponents.
This smoke may be dispersed by a moderate wind, or will naturally disperse in 4 rounds.  A strong wind will remove the smoke in 1 round.
This smoke does not move with the target, it remains where the arrow landed.
Snare Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does not do normal arrow damage. On impact, the arrowhead breaks open to release a series of thin, rubbery vines that snare the target.
The target must roll a Reflex save vs 10 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level. Success means they are not snared. If they fail, they are Ensared until they are able to make a STR check vs 25 DC to escape.
Alternatively, the target may make an Escape Artist check vs 10 + 1/2 the Misakuwo’s level. A success means they escape the snare.  Any target caught in the snare cannot move from that location until freed.
Swarm Arrow
The arrow is a blunt arrow and does not do normal arrow damage. When the arrow hits a target, the arrow breaks open and releases an oily scent onto the target. This oil attracts an insect, spider, or rat swarm to attack the target.
This swarm remains in the target's area for 1 round per level of the Misakuwo. After that, the oil loses its effectiveness and the swarm leaves.

Created by

Kummer Wolfe.


Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

