Megamisama, City of

"This is so awkward."   "I'm sorry?"   "I didn't expect to run into you here, neighbour!"   "Oh, well it'll be our little secret, Mako."   She dimpled at him at that. "You're just saying that. Doesn't your fiancee come here?"   "Oh, well maybe not secret from her, but she can know you eat here sometimes, can't she?"


The city has an impressive number of transients, temporary workers, tourists, rising by up to three million at festival time. The figure above is stable, and represents the census values for rents a year or longer and landowners.


The capital of Kagomei, the city is ruled by the Domei of Megamisama, whose main task is to keep the management of the country from overrunning, or forgetting the city(both have almost happened in the past). The city mayor's main task seems to be coordinating emergency response and peacekeeping activities.


Between the Islands as early warning point, the sheltered harbours, the hills forming a bowl around the city, it's difficult for any to get close to the city without flying. Current Kagomine defensive doctrine keeps Anti-Aircraft ships in the harbour in permanence for that reason, usually Meihomei's Own Fleet Detchment, but should they be needed elsewhere, either alternate ships are sent, or land-based missile defense is deployed. There are two military land bases in the hills around the city, and the docks are partially militarizes in times of peace, and fully militarized in times of war(no civilian traffic permitted, diplomatic traffic is permitted only with a Kagomine Military Escort, who gets the permits)

Industry & Trade

  1. Military
  2. Technology
  3. Grain
  4. Gold
  5. Silver


Second Largest Shipbuilding facility on subcontinent, attendant large military bases and secondary facilities on the nearby islands, who are legally part of the city, but have no permanent residents. This is due mostly to the fact that the water levels submerge most of the islands at least twice a year, for up to 30 day periods, it's not safe or pleasant to try to eke out a living there, although rare individuals try nonetheless. Lighthouse point, the highest point of the northern island is dry year-round(it's on a hill) but the facility there is considered:
  • strategic
  • commercially important
  • property of the navy, and defended by armed sailors at all times
Even visitors give it a wide berth unless on a tour of the lighthouse itself.


The city is built on metal-bearing ores(nickel, tin, gold and silver) and has untapped gas and petroleum reserves. There is an Edict that makes it illegal to tap petroleum and natural gas anywhere in Kagomei, with strict fines and long prison terms.

Guilds and Factions

Meihomei's government tolerates no factions, and what guilds remain usually get swept up between defense corporations and act as part of mega-consortia.


Megamisama City is a cultural hotspot, with fashionistas, theatre aficionados and music festivals finding special support with the locals.


The foundation of architecture is the Kagomine six-floor "manshion" style. Some notable buildings adopted foreign influences like Megamisama Drydock Complex Plaza #3 which blends in Lolland Canal Gardens and Ozmian Shell Architecture.


The city is build around a bay sheltered by a trio of islands, the bay is also the estuary of a river. The largest island is centered on a hill formed by a dormant volcano. Twelve bridges cross the river, or small channels of the bay to reach each of the islands. The surrounding areas act as processing centres for agriculture surrounding the area, making it a breadbasket.

Natural Resources

The climate, productive soil and flat land combine to make the region an agricultural powerhouse in Arnd, this stretches from Megamisama to nearby Veneer, Kimagure and Dunkehl. The mines on the outskirts of Megamisama produce a fair bit of precious metals and general industrial materials,


  • Megamisama City Wards
    Inspired from Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, exported from openstreetmap data.
Founding Date
22 BK
Alternative Name(s)
Big Cheese
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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