Vivyen Takahashi

"Stand-up straight, honey!"

"Urgh, what's with all this?"

"We're going to be famous, dear, so stand up straight, and let me fix up that tie..."

"Remind me again why we got to do this?"

"Our Moniqan neighbours are visiting us, it's a high honour!"

"I'd rather they'd have stayed away..."

"We invited them for the wedding dear, and it's a sign of our growing power they didn't just send an ambassador, but are coming themselves. I know you pretend not to bother, but I know you know what an immense honour it is that they came in person."


"Excuse me, make way! Make way for the Hunarch!" Spoke a horse lord, with a cavalier disregard for others.

"Moniqan intruder, you do not rule here!" Minasthe wished he could that that back, he was expected, it was his daughter's wedding! But, still, almost riding over people was not something that could be tolerated, he felt he should do something!

"Halt, Horse Lord Fijistan, what is the meaning of this?"

"Excuse me, puissant lord, this peasant is of no importance, but he is slowing down your arrival!!"

"There you are wrong, I recognize this Kagomine Lord, I wish to speak with him."

"Who is this peasant?"

"I am no peasant, and I am Sun'ga for this place today, young man, attend to this Moniqan Lord's horse!"

"You are my host, Kagomine?"

"I am Minasthe Takahashi, lord Fijistan, Domei of Garay. Welcome to my palace."

"Father, father, what's happening?"

"My daughter, you shame me, I told you I would take care of things, like I've taken care of you until you're old enough to marry, havev you decided to mistrust me at this late date?"

"Of course not, father, but our guests..."

"I see you, Vivyen Takahashi, soon to be Domeita of Garay."

"I see you, Horse Lord Fijistan, Fourth of the Court of the Hunarch of Moniq." Everyone knew, even foreigners, just how little the Hunarch estimated Fijistan, but even then, it was a cutting insult to address him so. His eyes narrowed. If you will await, me and my two Kannavéral will greet you, they were still dressing.

"Thank you."

"You came alone?"

"I bear the regrets of the Hunarch, the Celestial Princess has taken ill, and he could not be with you, he sent me in his stead."

Vivyen grit her teeth, the Ambassador was much lower in prestige, but he stood much higher than Fijistan in his lord personal esteem. There was intrigue afoot.

"I see we have guests, honoured Sun'ga father, would you introduce us?"

"Hum, yes, let me do so, Horse Lord Fijistan, ruler of one-sixth of all Moniq, be met to my soon to be son and daughter, Merlyn, Kahun Kautanissian, and his Kannaveral, Aunkawa Makoda."

Fijistan bristled, Aunkawa's criminal reputation was the reason the Hunarch had changed his mind, but he couldn't say so, he'd have rather stayed home, himself, but orders were orders, especially if he was to salvage his relationship to his ruler. Damn, crime might not pay, but it probably made you some kind of Element's pet, those legs!

As per Kagomine tradition, the latter one was introduced, the earlier one saluted you, so she spoke first. "Welcome Lord Fijistan, to our ceremony, you honour us with your presence."

"Lord Fijistan." Merlyn attempted a bow in his finery. He couldn't know that like most Moniqan lords, Fijistan was at least a minor sorceror, and could feel Merlyn's raw elemental magical might, could have from two blocks away. And whoever gave birth to him was an even bigger pet, that aura's warming my eyes!

"Lord Takahashi, Lady Takahashi." That was acceptable from a foreigner, but the ambassador would have used the more correct Domei, Domeita(gracefully high).


Vivyen Takahashi

Second Wife

Towards Merlyn Takahashi né Dandelion


Merlyn Takahashi né Dandelion


Towards Vivyen Takahashi


Vivyen Takahashi


Towards Aunkawa Makoda


Aunkawa Makoda


Towards Vivyen Takahashi


Lawful Obtuse
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Domei of Megamisama
144 BK 80 BK 64 years old
Kagomine Palace at Megamisama (then called Domei Palace of Megamisama)
Aunkawa Makoda (Co-wife)
Current Residence
Tomb of Merlyn, Aunkawa and Vivyen in Kagomine Palace at Megamisama
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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