Tsou, Island of

"Who may I announce?" The timid page asked, nervous at the raucously coloured individual when he entered the palace lobby.   "You may let your leaders know that I, Furuken Tsimori, the Orange Prince, Ambassador Plenipotentiary of the Tsou has arrived. I would present my credentials if the Secretary is available?"   "I will so inform... Meihomei."   "Meihomei, herself..." He looked ready to keel over from shock.   "The secretary is away on official business for perhaps the next quarter-year, a tour of some of our allies and prospective allies."   "Only some?"   "I am not privy to the scheduling, but I am sure who was included is not an intended slight to those who were not. I do not believe Nameihomei has been away from Kagomei for this long a time before."   "Ah, yes, it does seem like quite an effort."   "If you will remain here, I will ascertain if your credentials can be received."   Thirty seconds later in the throne room...   "Send him in! There's not been an ambassador of the Tsou to Kagomei since the second Moniqan invasion! I will be happy to entertain this Aquamarine Peacocks."   Back in the anti-chamber...   "Please follow me, Distinguished and Honoured guest, this way."   "This isn't the direction of the secretary of state..."   "As I was saying, I have informed Meihomei, who has instructed me to guide you to her, with haste." The ambassador almost tripped, when that sunk in.   As the door opened, the ship's band of Meihomei's Personal Cutter started a spirited rendition of the Tsou National Anthem, the page stepped into the shadows near the door, and the Guest stood silently, a bit amazed at how fast they had set this up, he was beginning to think his presence wasn't a surprise.   "It is my Mei pleasure to welcome you to our Imperial Palace in Megamisama, seat of our son and successor's Domei of Megamisama, Ambassador Furuken."   "I am in awe of your efforts to make me feel welcome, Meihomei. I expected to renew my acquaintance with your sister, the secretary of state ."   "I am sorry to disappoint you, but Nameihomei is not available right now, as she is meeting with dignitaries from both the Pledge of Eurani and our neighbours signed to the Treaty of Rannick."   "That is unfortunate, as I was hoping to discuss the Treaty myself, it is our hope that we would begin the process to ally ourselves formally against the invaders.   "I will let her know, but certainly, you can discuss some of the preliminaries with me, Mikki is, after all, my aide and confidante."   "Please, I intended no disrespect, I just assumed, as Domei Veneer had architected the treaty, that she would be the best person to discuss this with."   "I'm afraid you'll have to make do with the best person available, Ambassador. Allow me to introduce the Secondary Assistant Auxiliary Vice-Undersecretary of State of Kagomei, Ryder Kannagael Van Pelt." She was quite pleased she managed to give no sign of how much she enjoyed seeing him deflate, when his rank sunk in...   The diffident young man looked like a deer after it's been struck by a fast-moving vehicle, clenching his hands, as if we wanted a security blanket. "It is my honour to serve Kagomei and join my greetings of welcome to yours, Meihomei. The Ambassador is quite well known to me by reputation."   A lowly Ryder? They must have emptied the whole department! What could have caused them to do that? The Ambassador thought but left no sign of his turmoil show. "If I may approach, I would hand my credentials to you, Meihomei." No way a Ryder can even accept this... But to who else give to it?   "Please hand it to my Valour-keeper ." She pointed out the trim, compact graying man to him, his salad bars of medals looking massive enough to stop a bullet, conspicuous black and emerald-coloured ribbons were interspersed with dawn-coloured ones, ones that the ambassador recognized.   "I've heard of you, Zim! I serve the dawn!" And kowtowed, to the floor.   "Now please, this rule is ridiculous!" As he returned the salute.   "It doesn't apply to foreigners anyways, Marhamat especially not to an accredited diplomat."   As he was bid, Tsimori handed the triple-folded, three-page letter of credence, under the enormous seal of Tsou, five stylized orange blossoms, whose twelve ribbons made a bow. He could barely keep his eyes from the floor, the Valour-Keeper was the one person in all of Kagome that a Tsou would pratically worship on sight, but Meihomei gave no sign she had planned this ahead of time...   Marhamat carefully climbed up the dais the throne was on, and using his service knife, sliced the seal off, handing the opened letter to Meihomei. None of Meihomei's Lifeguards batted an eye at this, he was, after all, their past commanding officer, as well as their Regim, their Regimental officer, for life, and the father of their current commanding officer ShibuĂ© Dandelion. Meihomei began to read.   "I shall paraphrase, as this missive is quite long, but I feel it prudent for those present who speak no Tsou to know what purpose sends you to visit us, your neighbour, who has not seen an embassy of the Tsou in several hundred years."  
In service to the Tsou people, few claim as many signal deeds as Furuken Tsimori, the Orange Prince, whose commercial acumen and keen attention to our interests is second to none. We send him to you, in the hopes of finding allyship against the Invaders from the Stars, they have recently been spotted near Tsou, and this is a matter of great concern.
  "I hope I have not besmirched any of your titles, Ambassador."   "Only the one, Meihomei, it is customary for me to be addressed as Prince, or as it is spoken in Kagomine, as a Namei, not as an Ambassador, for complicated reasons of precedence. I would be most appreciative if you should address me thusly."   "Namei Tsimori, Page Valder will be your batman during your stay, while Undersecretary Van Pelt will be your liaison."   "Meihomei is Mei kind, I look forward to working on the long-neglected friendship between our peoples." When he said Mei, using a Kagomine formalism normally only used between Kagomine among themselves, Amalthea Kagome worried she had underestimated him, he had appeared too stunned earlier, and was revealing too much of his cards, for this early in the proceedings... Something was up.


A pair of large islands off the coast of Moniq with a narrow straight between them. Only one large mountain dots the northern Island: Ryukheen and two dot the southern one: Callypygios, surrounded by hills, on the eastern part of each. They form part of the belt of fire.


Heavily contested for centuries, Tsou is Arnd's largest producer of citrus fruit, in all varieties.
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