Valkyrie Docks Naval Academy

"If you look to the left, you will see the building addressed as #13, Megamisama Drydock Complex Plaza, the Valkyrie Docks Naval Academy. Currently exiting is a squad of students for morning exercise, we will let them pass.   Surrounded by vast 'tactical training grounds', as well as a canal leading to sizeable marina, it is however well integrated into the urban texture. The nearby Dock Avenue leads to civilian residential as well as commercial venues. Its address on the plaza leads directly to both Navy headquarters, where officer cadets will serve once their schooling is done, and also to the nearby #4, the main yards for the Kagomine navy, which leads its name to the entire complex, #4 being the largest industrial business in continued use of the last two hundred years."
— Tour guide passing the building during the 10am second run all students are encouraged to take.
  "Who's that?"   "That is Neverraven alumni NFOF-10 Nessun-Honour of Meihomei's Imperial Kagome Navy, Meritant of Honour, Twice-Rembrandt's Memorial Medal, Naval Otter with repeat clusters for Bravery, bronze star of readiness with three repeat clusters, Ryder Swanwick Rising Sun MaĆ«lle Comma to you, cadet!"   Maelle was trying not to snap at all these fine cadet officers, but they were in her way! She had come a long way to talk to Coach Vadis about her friend's participation in the oar quarterfinals.   "Nessuna-honour-Meritant!" He saluted.   "Coach Vadis!" She saluted, she'd been losing more and more those little mental competitions where she'd try to acknowledge people fast enough so it wouldn't seem like she was waiting for them to salute to salute back lately.   "What can I do for the Navy?"   "I'm told NFOF-03 Adjen Mckibbens won't make it to the quarter finals, unless she can win a qualifying round, but the qualifications have been cancelled, due to a plague outbreak in the Academy, three weeks ago."   "I'm afraid that is correct, the outbreak cancelled all electives, and everything that could be rescheduled, has been."   "I'd like to help reschedule the qualifications, with Navy support, if necessary."   "What, you'd help?"   "I'd lend you Ambulon, if I thought it'd help, Kneecole's besides herself."   "Who is she to you? That you'd do this?"   "She served with me, she was one of my fleet XOs."   "And now?"   "And now, she's going back into the Academy, trying to become an officer, after being a non-com for her entire career."   "And so you want me to send her into the semis?"   "No, she'd break if she thought I'd arranged for her to proceed, I just don't want her only chance at qualifying on her own merits to be cancelled. Give the season and the semester extra time to make those student's non-academic pursuits worth something."   "I love the idea, I don't know if we have the budget, that's why I cancelled, if you can get us the personnel to help run it, we can maybe afford it, and I'd love to give those cadets who have a chance at shining their own moments."   "I just had a thought..."   "Yes?"   "What if we made it a propaganda victory, get a speaker to say despite the plague, we won't cancel, won't back down, make it a gesture of defiance from the Kagomine people?" She hadn't thought Amarat's suggestion would have worked, not on this cagey coach and vice-rector in charge of extra-curricular activities, but Amarat was the propaganda head on her old ship, he seldom had missed one of those calls that meant he had to get into enemies' heads.   "Err, well that might certainly help with budgeting, I hear the defiance support activities committee has some money. Having active-duty instructors and umpires would certainly make it look more legit, as well as help the academy cadets know their importance to the war effort..."   "So I have your support in this?"   "Err, I can make no promises, but I do want us to run these competitions, if we can make the money work, I'm all for it."  


Purpose / Function

To house the training grounds for the Imperial Kagomine Naval Forces and provide room and board for the assigned students currently undergoing training.


A blockish example of cindertower architecture, many called it eyesore up to one year after its construction.

Then they didn't so much change their minds as find even more offensive architecture to complain about. The modern trend for concrete, steel and glass, however, passed it by, and its relatively small number of windows, however, prevented it from being considered part of such movements. Many called it cruel, for its outsided external escalators, forcing the students to march out in the elements on harsh weather days, but the tradition of running down stairs to celebrate a promotion year(on the way to get a drink) gives it its own gravitas on the occasion. In that, the tradition of singing for one's wings of FlyForce is quite similar, if much more stringently surrounded.


Founded at about the same time EMS Ambulon retired from active service, and to provide the celebrated vessel with crews to practice seamanship on, Valkyrie Docks is one of the earliest Naval Academies in Arnd. The local lord, Domei of Megamisama Miellan Dandelion, was loathe to leave the new institution under the control of the nascent navy, whom he felt was growing much too fast, and whom he was further concerned about since their legal 'newness' meant they were largely operating without legal precedent. In a deft bit of legislating, he handed the legal authority of the Navy to someone outside the Navy's legal purview. In a great display of careful what you wish for, the legal authority and reputation for probity and incorruptibility would be on full display, when the then Telbun-Sheriff of Megamisama would put him on trial for allegations that he had attempted rape on a Naval Academy student. Said official was so not amused, many legal experts surmise he added at least five years to the sentence.


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