There are things you never told me about Kagomei

"There are things you never told me about, about Great Kagome."   "Oh?"   "Like how her displacement is almost double treaty limits."   "You didn't need to know."   "Yesugai being fifty to seventy-five percent above specs though, that hurt."   "What?"   "I double-checked the missile specs, for Yesugai to even fire a full salvo of the missiles I actually have aboard, he has to be half again as heavy as the manifests I've seen, or we’d just sink from being driven underwater by their propulsion! The whole fleet is similarly underreported as per the treaty, you mind telling me why I'm going to jail, at least? Let alone I could have sunk him, just from underestimating him."   "Don't be melodramatic, we both are following legal orders, from Meihomei, who's not bound by treaty restrictions."   "Surely they can't be that naive."   "Your friends are in Moniq right now, and Meihomei thinks they can get the Hunarch to agree to a new treaty, because of the Invaders."   "My friends?"   "First circle."   "Don't know them by name, except one or two, not sure it's an improvement either."   "Apologies, I shouldn't have assumed, they're Meihomei's friends, and she's the one expecting them to improve the treaty."   "Wouldn't just repealing the treaty do it?"   "No, the treaty has a bunch of compensatory clauses if we pull out unilaterally."   "Oh, so of course we want them to sign off on it."   "Zim, Zim, look, on channel eleven, there's a diplomatic announcement."   On screen:   "It's a historical moment here in Rannick, where I've been invited to witness the signing of a new tripartite treaty between Moniq, Rannick and Kagomei."   "Mikhala Dunkehl Domei Domei of Garay, Hunarch of Moniq Xhi and Guild master Zugon, Mayor Denton and Aumhava Dei Tora have invited members of the press of all three polities to a last minute event. Preliminary press releases call it the Treaty of Rannick Castle, and indicate it will supersede the current treaty of Veneer."   "Wow, good timing, you're upbraiding me for a treaty that'll be tissue paper in an hour."   "You expected this?"   "Not these specifics, but I was hoping Meihomei would get a new treaty soon. I can't hide 900000 tons of ships, ten squadrons of fast movers and twenty of gunskycutters much longer."   "Elements above!"   "What, you thought I was babysitting only your fleet?"   "Valkyrie bay can only hold so many ships."   "Kimaguray bay holds another fleet, Veneer Bay, Simular Cove, Byzance Harbor, Nametan Cove, Foreigner Delta, Harhui Delta.  Even Harmony lake."   "All places in Kagomei."   "Yes, after the Treaty of Rannick Castle is signed, I'll have more hiding places."   "You expect me to collaborate."   "I don't get your problem, Tacks, Meihomei was shackled with a restrictive treaty, she offered a better one, to more partners, who can  now Ally against the Invaders and you're worried about holding the bag?"   "I'm a Sorceress, who'll believe it took me this long?"   "Who'd believe you threw this fleet off course, not the mere 'cough' 75000 tons that was reported?"   "What? You mean?"   "You rerouted, quite forcefully, some 160000 tons, by yourself, the people who have some idea what you'e done are split between terrified and in awe. The circles just want it on the record that it wasn't them 'this time', whatever that means."   "They were not helping, really."   "Elements above! Just what does it take to faze either you or those people? 100000 tons would be as sizeable a military base I'd want to discuss moving, and I'd ask for six months, not for time to wiggle my nose!"   "You remember what happened in Rannick in 492?"   "Some circle magic moved parts of the city.."   "Not parts, all 400 million square paces of surface area."   "And… how many were involved?"   "A single High Circle of 30."   "I'm told sympathetic magic was involved."   "It had to be. It beggars belief that it was done at all."   "What fraction of that was 100000 tons?"   "Not sure maybe a few thousandths of one percent."   "What?"   “A city of one hundred thousand people, complete with buildings and vehicles, with water to drink and food to last days? Just the water is more than 500000 tons, "   “Oh. At any rate, if anyone asks, I’ll pretend I told you from the start and swore you to secrecy.”   “What?”   “I’m going to retire soon, I can ablate some red tape from you if I’m careful.”   “Zim, I do appreciate the cover, really, but wouldn’t it make more sense to keep me in the loop, about my own ship?”   “Tell you what, next time Amalthea Kagome, Meihomei to the likes of you and me, asks the Loyalty of the Land Forces, Vision and Nessun-Honour of Meihomei's Imperial Kagome Navy Valias Herringbone and yourself to come to a private area to discuss secret orders, I’ll make sure you’re invited.”   “Zim-Zim-Zim!”   “That’s junior officer for ‘you’re full of it, respectfully, Zim’, isn’t it?”   “I had no idea either of them would make it an order.”  
“They didn’t do that explicitly, Meihomei just said: ‘Whether or not our ships are compliant to any treaties is classified. Which ship of ours  are “ours” and not subject to treaty is similarly not subject to public or Naval High Command review. My navy will use the ships it’s given, and not ask questions, am I making myself clear?’   'Crystal clear Meihomei, what should we do with those who ask questions?'   'I expect creative punishments, obviously, they’re too smart for their own good, but by the Elements, they’re smart, not idiots, so don’t  cashier the good to keep the bad.'”
  Maelle was shaking.   “I see the creative punishment of having you awfully disappointed with me will not need to be reinforced.”   “Zim, no Zim!”   “Equally, I am being promoted to Nessuno, and I will need a Taimine for my staff, interested?”   “I would rather stay with Yesugai, respectfully, Zim. Will you be reassigned away?”   “I see. Yes, furthermore I am being reassigned to HQ to head the department of operations, from which your command is excluded. I'm beached here in Megamisama so hardly far away.”   “Oh, who will we report to Zim?”   “Walk with me, Tacks.”   Crossing on to Keekyo’s deck, the waves buffeting gently, the 30000 ton cutter floating stately over the waves.   “I have red leather with me, Tacks.”   “Promotions, Zim? Good for them!”   “Two are for Adjen and Tiger-Striped Javelin Bundle , names of Dandelion and Rolli, one’s for Ballista, name of Juraiain Andermani….”   “Zim!” Her voice was breaking, and she tried not to cry. “They’re being promoted because I’m being reassigned?”   “You’re being promoted too, you didn’t let me finish, Tujan Comma, commanding Meihomei's Own Fleet Detchment, my old job, with comittant raise in rank and pay too, so you won’t get flak from Medjan Vallardi, either. You will have to withdraw yourself from the title, to be in command, like I did, and will be referred to as the Medjen of Meihomei’s fleet in official communications, but draw Tujen pay.”   “So, I’m promoted past Vallardi, but I have to accept demotion to her same rank, and she’ll be ok with this?”   “She knows the alternative is her being busted back to Ballista, or encouraged to retire, I doubt she’ll give you trouble.”   “You sound very very sure of that, Zim.”   “I have some purple silk with me as well.”   “Oooh, someone’s getting shinies.”   “As the only fleet to have fought off more than ten of the invaders, Kagomei’s Own fleet element is being recognized.”   “Bronze star with silver highlights again?”   “No, Meihomei’s Cat, with four clusters in lieu of repeated singular awards, for having the rare distinction of using case pink ordnance against fifty of the invaders successfully, for the entire fleet element, with repeat personal award to senior staff, from myself on down to anyone above Mast and above of equal to Javelin.”   “Zim, Rolli and the rest get personal awards as well?”   “That’s what I said, that’s why I said it.”   “Permission to go announce it?”   “Denied, grr, I’d assign you KP duty if I could. I want to say goodbye Tacks, and not cry. This isn’t the time for you to run off half-cooked  to them and spoil Meihomei’s own surprise. Here, read your orders.”  
At Undeciem first, first shift, first bell Maelle Comma, serial number 3141592654-3-4-5, is to assume the dress of a Tujan, adding to the uniform the special mark of Meihomei’s personal guard to all variants of uniform, and in all circumstances, as this is a permanent posting at Meihomei’s pleasure. Officer Comma will be referred to as Medjen Comma, Medjen of Meihomei’s personal fleet. Considering she has accumulated 65 half-stripes of honor, which account for the aforementioned rank of Tujen, she is to hold it as a permanent assignment. She is then to recognize the senior staff of all units in Meihomei's Own Fleet Detchment  (only referred as Meihomei’s Own further in this text).   Officer Comma is then to confirm rank on all same officers on all ships in Meihomei’s Own, and assume command of Meihomei's Own.   At first shift, second Bell, all ships must be ready to receive a detachment of Distinguished Guests, including Meihomei, Honor Valias Herringbone, Nessuno Ominari Calloway and Aumhavar Hamburg “Point-Blank” Schweinfurst, who will re-bless Meihomei’s Own and rededicate them to their mission in the eyes of the elements. Nessuno Calloway will remove himself from command of Meihomei’s Own, then Meihomei will present the Unit Citation to each individual ship, starting with Yesugai, then Kagomei, Keekyo, Sangho and Meeroku. Officer Comma will act as liaison during this trip, and will later debark with the guests to shore, and make her way to headquarters for briefings. As Meihomei makes her way from ship to ship, individual awards of Meihomei’s Cat will be made, one such award, on Sangho will be the personal award for Officer Comma, specifically, which she will continue to wear on her formal uniform, a miniature will be provided for semi-formal circumstances where a less conspicuous award is needed.   The following day, Officer Comma will return to Kagomei, where the Masts will bear the Parrot, the Red-Striped Amber Raptor and the personal mark of Officer Comma: Neverraven surrounded by a fire nova, which will stand in pride of place.  That is unless Officer Comma disembarks, or a superior officer is on board. The flag is to have no provisional or diminishing features."
  “Zim, what’s this confirm Rank?”   “You review anyone who’s been promoted and confirm anyone in their jobs. It’s a new shift with a new fleet element commander, we always do that.”   “But I can change anyone?”   “What is the first rule of a new officer on a new boat?”   “Don’t rock the boat stepping on, I know, I know.”   “You mostly introduce yourself, let them introduce themselves, and tell them it’s business as usual, Tacks. I didn’t have any problem elements in there, and I doubt you will either.”   “What about command style compatibility?”   “I don’t recommend doing anything but observe on your first day, Tacks, the best way to spook the troops is to change everything on your first day. Take good notes, make a plan, and act on it, but later. It takes a while to get anyone reassigned, anyways.”   “Oh, yeah, silly me.”   “Now, if Vallardi does intend to retire, her best way to protest your elevation is to do it at that review. She just doesn’t show up, sends the letter up, and her second in command, Ballista Coromodr, fleets up..”   “How likely is that to happen?”   “Not very, but it would be seen as a strong protest, and it would make waves, best prepare a short speech about accepting her resignation, just in case. It dampens the impact.”   “Zim? Like: ‘I’m sorry Medjan Vallardi and I couldn’t work together to resolve our differences, and I look forward to working with Flag-Ballista Coromodr.’?”   “Perfect, except he’s an actual Ballista, not Flag Ballista, she kept promoting him as she got promoted for longevity.”   “So I’d be a Tujen with three Ballista and one scorpion under me?”   He showed her Andermani’s letter  
At Undeciem first, first bell, Officer Juraian Andermani, serial number 123752Z385-7319-18-21, is to assume the dress of a Ballista, adding to his uniform the special mark of Meihomei’s personal guard.  This is to remain for all variants of uniform and for all circumstances, as this is a permanent posting at Meihomei’s pleasure. Officer Andermani is to assume command of KEMS Yesugai, following Officer Comma’s formal assumption of the rank of Tujen of  Meihomei’s Own Fleet Detachment (further referred to as Meihomei’s own).   Officer Andermani has furthermore been selected for the high honour of receiving a personal award of the decoration of Meihomei’s Cat, awarded for personal service to the sovereign, which he will receive when Meihomei makes her way with her retinue to Yesugai. Officer Andermani’s 17 half-stripes of honour means he qualifies for regular, not brevet promotion, and he will be referred to in all formal documentation as Ballista of KEMS Yesugai and his flag will not bear any diminishing mark. Officer Andermani’s personal flag of a bullpup rampant will be further adorned with the Parrot and Red-Striped Amber Raptor, like all flags of commanding officers of any ship in Meihomei’s own. At second Bell, all ships must be ready to receive a detachment of Distinguished Guests, including Meihomei, Honor Valias Herringbone, Nessuno Ominari Calloway and Aumhavar Hamburg “Point-Blank” Schweinfurst, who will re-bless Meihomei’s Own and rededicate them to their mission in the eyes of the elements. Meihomei will present the Unit Citation to each individual ship, starting with Yesugai, then Kagomei, Meeroku and Sangho.   Officer Andermani is to wear his award of Meihomei’s Cat with formal uniform at all times, and he is to be saluted by officers of even higher rank first, unless they have Meihomei’s Merit of Honor or are Knights of Kagomei, who are always saluted even before Meihomei herself, or their own awards of Meihomei's Cat, where regular rules apply. Miniatures of the award will be provided to wear with regular uniform, higher rank officers are not required to salute Officer Andermani first, except in formal uniform, or in any other circumstance where Officer Andermani is wearing the full cordon of the award.   Officer Andermani’s pay will be adjusted, with no period of transition, and with no diminishment.
  “No, all ballista, with two being new ones. And that’s usually the best, for a new commander, less baggage, less asymmetric relations between parts of your command.”   “Thank you for the advice Zim.”  He showed her the other letter:  
At Undeciem first, first shift, first bell, Jima Rolli serial number 12375UAH385-7329-28-12, is to assume the dress of a Striped Javelin Bundle, adding to the uniform the special mark of Meihomei’s personal guard to the uniform for all circumstances, as this is a permanent posting at Meihomei’s pleasure. Officer Rolli’s award of 257 half-stripes of honor rank third in the rolls of all non-commissioned  officers of all of Meihomei’s armed forces, and as the rank of Striped Javelin Bundle is not subject to quota, Officer Rolli's attaining of this rank is a signal of Meihomei's trust and respect. Officer Rolli’s Uniform is to be modified further, to bear the device of the green drop, over the letters 1st DIV MEDMON, and 1st DIV CHAPMON, as Senior Medical Officer and Divisional Chaplain, Meihomei’s Own, and the additional device of the Thorn Branches, in gold, as Adjutant and Chief of Staff, Meihomei’s own. As with all Striped Javelin Bundles, officer Rolli will prepare a banner staff with Kon with all her specific honours to present to Meihomei at her next formal review, which is covered in the next paragraphs.   At second Bell, all ships must be ready to receive a detachment of Distinguished Guests, including Meihomei, Honor Valias Herringbone, Nessuno Ominari Calloway and Aumhavar Hamburg “Point-Blank” Schweinfurst, who will re-bless Meihomei’s Own and rededicate them to their mission in the eyes of the elements. Meihomei will present the Unit Citation to each individual ship, starting with Yesugai, then Kagomei, Sangho and Meeroku. Officer Rolli will furthermore be honored with her own personal award of Meihomei’s Cat, when Meihomei makes her way to Yesugai. Officer Rolli is to wear the award of Meihomei’s Cat with formal uniform at all times, and is to be saluted by officers of even higher rank first, unless they have Meihomei’s Merit of Valor, who are always saluted second after  Meihomei herself. Miniatures of the award will be provided to wear with regular uniform, but do note that higher rank officers are not required  to salute Officer Rolli first, except in formal uniform. Officer Rolli’s pay will be that of a Tiger-Striped Javelin Bundle with no  provisional period or diminishment, with Meihomei’s personal compliments. Her accomplishments furthermore rate a bonus of three months pay.
  “Why you showing me all this?”   “You’ll need to do it when you fleet up, and besides, it’s sent in the name of your new rank, as the new Fleet Command, Meihomei’s Own. I ordered Jima to prepare these except for her own, which is mine to sign."  
At Undeciem first, first bell, Andei Dandelion, serial number 12375908FG5-7328-22-10, is to assume the dress of an Adjani, adding to the uniform the special mark of Meihomei’s personal guard to the uniform for all circumstances, as this is a permanent posting at Meihomei’s pleasure. Officer Dandelion's award of 7 half-stripes of honor rank him high enough in the rolls of commissioned officers of all of Meihomei’s armed forces for permanent assignment and equally qualify him for confirmation in his position, with advance in pay.   At second Bell, all ships must be ready to receive a detachment of Distinguished Guests, including Meihomei, Honor Valias Herringbone, Nessuno Ominari Calloway and Aumhavar Hamburg “Point-Blank” Schweinfurst, who will re-bless Meihomei’s Own and rededicate them to their mission in the eyes of the elements. Meihomei will present the Unit Citation to each individual ship, starting with Yesugai, then Kagomei, Sangho and Meeroku.   Officer Dandelion will furthermore be honored with her own personal award of Meihomei’s Cat, when Meihomei makes her way to Yesugai. Officer Dandelion’s pay will be that of a Adjani, with no provisional period or diminishment, with Meihomei’s personal compliments. Officer Dandelion is to wear his award of Meihomei’s Cat with formal uniform at all times, and he is to be saluted by officers of even higher rank first, unless they have Meihomei’s Merit of Valor, who are always saluted second after Meihomei herself. Miniatures of the award will be provided to wear with regular uniform, but do note that higher rank officers are not required to salute Officer Dandelion first, except in formal uniform.
  “Zim, I have a question.”   “Let me guess, it’s about the next in line.”   “Err, yes, I am predictable that way, aren’t I?”   “Javelin Cavill goes up, so does Spear Quinn.”   “To what positions?”   “You get to assign Officer Rolli to figure that out. She is chief of staff of the fleet.”   “You didn’t have one?”   “I’m taking her with me, not fair to leave her with Officer Rolli being promoted past her in rank if not authority, anyways. Besides, I like OR-08 Decorated Javelin Bundle Spinnaker, you can't have her, I'm giving you so many good officers, don't be greedy. ”   “Oh?”   “DIV CHAP is usually chief of staff, the priestesses always know everyone’s mettle. Makes more sense to give one person those two jobs if they can handle it. Plenty of authority, but given for showing lots of empathy, so it usually works out.”   “Yeah, and I’d take Jima over two of the others.”   “High command likes Jima, don’t get too attached.”   “Telbun?”   “Not ruled out, not anymore, but even at her current rank, she has significant oomph, and she can use the decorations for force multipliers.”   “Oh?”   “A Tigerstripe, with a personal repeat Meihomei’s Cat AND a blackened bronze star? Whoever doesn’t listen to that woman needs a talking to. Even a Taimineh would be wise to listen.”   “And a Nessun?”   “We have Taimineh and Tujen for that, of course.” He winked.   “Thank you for that Zim. So don’t rule out Jima moving upwards, what about officer school?”   “If she takes two credits worth of command track, she’s brevet Scorpion material, with that much credibility with high command. Maybe higher, flag ballista for you, maybe.  Definitely Queen Maverick material.”   “With just two credits?”   “She’s doing command tasks as a non-com, and chief of staff is always considered ‘partial command responsibility’ because any officer worth his salt wants good staffing, just to be effective, it’s almost a requirement. Officer Rolli has been inventing new staff schedules and proposing entirely new ship staffing protocols directly to HQ, so I feel safe to say she's halfway up the ladder.”   “So once again, I’m looking good, because of her.”   “No, you’re not. You couldn’t look good, if she did a bad job. You’re doing fine on your own, though, It's the same reason I can go up, I’ve settled my old place, it’s good, solid officers, so I can move upwards.”   “How much of that is Jima?”   “My own promotion?”   “Zim, respectfully, Zim.”   “Maybe as much as 30% of my evaluation as a flag officer is how well Kagomei and Yesugai outshot everyone we have at sea. Being pathfinder for the Valkyries and Fast Movers, maybe another 20%.”    “Oh, it’s not an easy job?”   “No, and it takes a special kind of officer to do it well.”   “And…”   “And every single evaluation I’ve seen of you and your top officers screams ‘get out of their way and let them do it’. The Tercel  especially, sings praise.”   “Tercel Baker?”   “That one. Meihomei has been watching her too.”   “What’s above a Tercel?”   “Shrike, in her case.”   “And she needs how many?”   “About 2 or 3 I think. Shouldn’t be too long. First permanent flag rank for a flyer, everyone else out there is provisional.”   “What?”   “Commander, Air Base, instead of Air Group. Called Wingmistress, but the ground planes are more numerous.”   “I meant she’s the first.. Ever?”   “Valias is Honor, Loyalty and Vision, until Meihomei picks someone for the latter two. And the higher ranks aren’t filled because there’s been no time and no Vision to pick em.”   “And no chief of staff?”   “Hmm, no, but that’s a useful suggestion. In fact, we have chiefs of staff for each air group, picking them to evaluate and staff anything above makes an awful lot of sense. I’ll let you kick it upstairs.”   “What?”   “It’s your idea, if I say it, they’ll think I came up with it. And as a Tujen yourself, you’re certainly allowed to speak, you’re picked for your brains, remember?”   “Thanks Zim, nice to know I wasn’t picked for my pretty blue eyes.” She waggled them at him flirtatiously.   “Ahahahaha. Good one tacks. Get some sleep, you got a big day tomorrow.”   ...Later   “Hey, wake up Quinn, we got a lot to do.”   “I just got to bed.”   “I know, you’re getting the ugly shift, this time.”   “Why?”   “Notice anything unusual?”   “Hey, that looks like feathers on your javelin.”   “Yup, I got instructed to frock up, and shine. So did you, I bet.”   “I didn’t read, too tired last night.”   “Read, bunch of frocking up and shining going on.”   “How come I frock up but I don’t get a free shift?”   “Because we have distinguished guests all day, starting at second bell, dimbulb.”   “And.. it’s first bell right now, I get it, better get going.” He goes to shower. On his return: “Yeah! You were right, I get to frock up…”   “Attention on deck!”   “Decorated Javelin Bundle Rolli!”   “Open this blasted door, Quinn!”   “Sure, Zim, I… just got changed.”   “Good, neither of you is out of uniform. And it’s Striped Javelin Bundle Rolli, to you Quinn.”   “All Right, congratulations, Zim, and sorry for my mistake.”   “Well, you can’t see through your door yet, so I’ll let it slide.”   “Zim, anyone else frocking up?”   “Oh, just about everyone above you two, actually Andei's flagging up, for that matter..”   “Andei’s getting his real flag now? Righteous!”   “And Juraian’s flag is being hoisted at second mast, right now.”   “Second, not third?”   “I did say everyone was moving up…”   “Way to go Maelle! Medjan?”   “Tujen, and Medjen of Meihomei’s Own.”   “Oh, WOOT! PARTY TIME!”   “What’s this breach of decorum, Quinn?”   “Aren’t you supposed to party all day and all night one night for every rank your commanding officer skips when he gets promoted?”   “I don’t advise waking on Hikariday and going to bed past Aunday, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”   “What, wasn’t…”   “She was brevet Ballista, you can’t count Quinn.”   “Four nights? Ok, that is some party!”   “Supposed to be party all day and all night for every brevet or full rank. I suspect if we did that, we’ll drink enough to be sick though. So we’re flying Meihomei’s flag, then Maelle’s now?”   “Yup, then Juraian's.”   “What can we help you with, Zim?’   “Just making sure you both read your orders, we got incoming.”   “Yeah, the Honor, right?”   “Meihomei, you really gotta stop reading in diagonals.”   “MEIHOMEI?”   “Is there an echo in here?”   “What’s she coming over for?”   “The award of Meihomei’s Cat to Meihomei’s Own.”   “Way to go, makes the bronze star look like an afterthought.”   Jima, whose blackened bronze star sparkled conspicuously on her formal uniform, both because and despite the graphite added to black it, scowled. “Oh, you jokers didn’t put on your formals, well get them on!  This is not a time for regular duty uniform. Ut ut ut.”   ..Elsewhere   “I relinquish command of Yesugai, after first shift, first bell, as ordered.”   “I accept command of Yesugai, after first shift, first bell, as ordered. I await your orders, Tujen Comma.”   “As you were, Ballista Andermani. Prepare to answer bells, we have a pick up to make, and not one we want bruised.”   “Where have I heard the name Hamburg before?”   “My sweet baboo, I probably named him to you.”   “He’s…?’   “Meihomei’s court sorcerer. Coming to perform the blessing.”   “Oh, so I get to meet him, finally.”   “Yeah, let’s be smart about this, I can’t say I care especially if Hamburg sees us with egg on our face, not with the company he keeps, but I’d appreciate the eggshells to be at a minimum.”   “Understood, Gyrfalcon Baker?”   “Ballista Andermani, I have incoming orders, countersigned, we are to pick up a package now now now. Signed and addressed to the Tactical Officer. That's not me, as soon as I get relieved.”   “Navigator? Where’s Cavill?”   “Coming on duty now Zim.”   “Javelin Quinn, congratulations.”   “Thank you Ballista. By your leave, Tujen?”   “Execute, we are on a schedule, Quinn.”   “Understood, Zim, reading, orders are for us to reach port in 10, and to assist distinguished visitors with coming aboard. Notifying deck crew now.”   “Javelin Bundle Cavill! New frocks?”   “Just now, crewmates, we have some important guests, which is why you’ve all been ordered here in your best dress whites. We are to receive important dignitaries, let’s show them how Meihomei’s Own receives guests, eh?”   “Zim, yes Zim!”   With drill precision, the 30000 ton ship slid into port, extending planking with long practice, and the first aboard was Nessun Calloway.   “Who’s in command of this mess?”   “Not you Zim, not anymore!” Came the ritual response.   “Ah, such a relief!”   “I can take you to Tujen Comma’s bridge Zim, if that’s what you require?"   “Not yet, I do think Meihomei will want to be here for this.”   “Meihomei? Is she coming? We despair of seeing her, always we salute her flag, and bear her personal device, but does she remember us?”. Using the ritual response.   “I do, Javelin Bundle Cavill.” On cue, all the sailors knelt and bowed their heads, doffing caps.   “Thank you for accompanying me, Valias.”   “I am thankful for the opportunity, this crew is doing very well, it’s good that we recognize their efforts.” Also on cue.   “Such an Honor, Meihomei’s Honor.” The ritual response.   “Meihomei’s Honor, Loyalty and Vision, crew, get it right!” Quinn scowled, as was traditional, the burr in his voice from the sleep he missed made it more believable, more than one sailor thought.   “I am happy to serve, Javelin Bundle, and I am fine with just Meihomei’s Honour, too much responsibility, and I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning.”   “Ok, where’s Maelle?”   “On the bridge, dear Hamburg, and already sending orders to get under way, we’re apparently a little late.” Spoke Valias, listening to her earbud.   “Did we get everyone?”   “No, we need the stewards to bring over the drinks. Then we can go.”   Two carry-alls clinked with the chime of glass while being driven over the planks. There, now we can go, by your leave, Javelin Bundle?”   “Zim, Yes Zim!” His hands were already moving, and the moors were already being cast, as Yesugai gently picked up speed.   “Detail, form up on our guests, and bring the pipes.”   “As they arrived to the bridge, the two flutists had already taken their places, and were playing in the new guests.   “As usual, Meihomei’s Own doesn’t disappoint.”   “I’m surprised no one said anything about the invaders.”   “We chased them away between first and second bell, Meihomei.”   “How many, this time?”   “Twenty.”   “And you shot them all down?”   “Eighteen, two fled. Port Authority-Security has six prisoners in custody.”   “Which is why I’m here. Valias, if you please, and do prepare two more  clusters in lieu of repeat awards, for our hosts, next chance you get."   The flutes stopped.   “Hear ye, hear ye! In the name of Meihomei.”   “We serve the highest!” As was the ritual, every crew echoed the call at the same time, managing an eerie, intense echo through the ships’ passage.   “Oh, that gave me chills! In the name of Meihomei, hear me.” She said, ritually making a third call of “hear”.   “In the time of Beltran, who was Meihomei, there was a black cat, called Rembrandt he was very beautiful and serene, would always watch over his humans, keeping them safe. Then one day, he found some intruders, and brought them to the attention of Meihomei’s Lifeguards, who took prompt action, although this cost many lives.  Some of the humans, and the brave cat was also killed, trying to protect his humans, and dying in the late Meihomei’s daughter, Firenne Kagome'’s arms as she also passed, although Meihomei himself was saved.   In honour of the Bameita, the fleet of Meihomei’s Own, and other military units were constituted. And in honour of the cat, the medal was established, to reward conduct at great risk to oneself, that greatly benefited the crown. Meihomei has come and called for the medal to be awarded to Meihomei’s own, for their success in fighting the invaders, and their important, tireless, relentless defense of Megamisama’s shores. The cat thought of nothing but his humans, and his selfless act highlights the highest qualifies of service. We see the cat in your deeds Yesugai, and these are proud, heroic deeds, put this flag  someplace nice.”   “Receive the flag, squad Quinn, and bear it to the mess hall, where it is to join our banner of Meihomei’s merit..” interjected Maelle, forgetting that she was stealing Juraian’s lines, badly, as it was theirs but she wasn't strictly one of them anymore.   “Thank you for reminding us of duty, Tujen Comma.” We’ll take it from there was unspoken, but felt by everyone, and many smirks were hidden.   Maelle tried to hide how mortified she felt.   “I am here.” Spoke Hamburg. Much to everyone’s surprise, as this particular ceremony had not been performed since Meihomei had been coronated.   “I am here, and I see, and I now speak. It is a fine way for us to celebrate duty in others, and to admire and recognize this service. Let us now strengthen it with the powers of our beliefs. Let us now empower these fine sailors with sorcery, with power. I call upon Fire, I call upon Wind, I summon Earth, and I demand Water’s attention, let them be  one, let one be all. Let the powers of time immemorial, the life beat of all things, merge and bear witness, let the sheen of our weapons never tarnish, nor our vigilance never waver, for we are one, one with them all.”   “I am one with my guards, I will succour them, I will support them as they defend me.” Answered Meihomei.   “I accept the burden of defending Meihomei, as their commander, I am in pledge to these fine sailors, I will do my utmost.”   “Let us rejoice, for I now hear the hum of the elements’ satisfaction;.”   A heavy cheer resonated throughout the ship.   “Ballista Andermani, if you please.”   “Meihomei?”   “In honour of Meihomei Beltran's Cat, Rembrandt, Prior Meihomeis have established this award. In remembering his name, we are renewed and refreshed, of equal importance, we hold your conduct and your actions, defending our people.  Kneel.”   He knelt, and as he did, she hung the ornate, purple ribbon of the award, complete with golden cat’s bell.   “Receive this from our hands, as a sign of our gratitude and utmost regard.” Spoke Meihomei, then Valias said:   “After Ballista Andermani, I call Tiger-Striped Javelin Bundle Rolli, to us."   "I hear and obey, Meihomei.". Her banner staff bore discreet markings of rank, slid in the back of her belt.   "Kneel, the Telbun tells me when experienced sailors ask for the name of an exemplary sailor, a Sailor's Sailor, the name of Rolli is heard."   "I am humbled, I but answer the call of Duty."   “We recognize your duty, it is fine and exemplary. If we could, we’d have the like a thousandfold. Jima Rolli, you shine when others are dull, you show the path where others doubt. I call you out because I want them to take notice, you are the sailor I wish they all were."   Beat. Rolli moved back to her place. "We now call Adjani Dandelion to us.”   “I am here.”   “Kneel.”   “I present you this award, honouring Rembrandt the Cat, knowing that you and yours have helped defend our people, wear it with pride.” Just then, the cat’s bell jingled. Again smirks were hidden.   “I call Javelin Bundle Cavill.”   “I am returned, honoured ones.”   “Kneel.”   He did.   “I present to you Rembrandt’s memorial medal, that we may never forget the value of your service.”   "I call Javelin Quinn."   “I am here and humbled, honored ones.”   “I present to you this award, indeed, many have pointed out to me that your work with Five Pointed Star Mariloup Wolfe and Gyrfalcon Fokker to be worthy of great praise. Rembrandt loved praise, and attention, but he  is not remembered for it, but for service. May you earn both recognition and praise, while performing your service this admirably, always.”   “Ballista Andermani, please take Meihomei to Great Kagome’s deck.”   "We are en route."   "You are the youngest Tujen in the fleet by maybe ten years, how does it feel?" Meihomei asked Maelle when they were out of earshot of the rest.   "Meihomei?"   "Come on, Ominari can't bust you down anymore."   "He was the first one to hint I could even reach Tujen brass, if anything I consider him my supporter."   "As usual, you perceive much. Yes, he has been saying things about you  and your command that are flattering, but turned out to be supported by facts and results. I am fully confident in your ability, and he was allowed to advance precisely because Meihomei's Own is in the best shape it's been in some time."   "I can't be the only reason."   "No, and that's the mark of a superior flag officer, what disagreement you and Medjan Vallardi had, you handled by pushing the envelope, taking risks and driving your respective staff to new heights. Meihomei's Cat with four clusters? It's unprecedented. But your crew evals are off the scale, I wish I had two of you, to motivate the rest."   "Break us up? Surely Medjen Vallardi can be more useful where we're not fighting?"   "I said that to Ominari, he showed me her evals before you showed up… I'd not have selected her dog catcher."   "But now you know she can do this. How could she disappoint Meihomei?"   "Hmm.. "   "Meihomei, Honor Herringbone, Tujen Comma, we're hailing Great Kagome on your behalf."   "Thank you Andermani. By your leave?"   "We see you leave and miss you already."   "I'll be back before you know it."   "Great Kagome reports they are happy to receive such guests, and thank Yesugai for not upsetting their stomachs, as they expect their stateroom to see some use."   "My compliments to Great Kagome for receiving us. Meihomei looks hungry."   "Great Kagome reports Shibué Dandelion and Raknion Matsumoto have been doing magic for Meihomei, including her favorite, truffle oil pasta."   "Shibué is there already?"   "So I am told, Meihomei."   "How thoughtful, compliments to Shibué and Raknion for making the time."   "Tujan Comma, please join us, there is much to discuss on Great Kagome."   "Zim-Zim."   ...Later on EMS Great Kagome, after the flags had been adjusted on both ships.   “Meihomei!” The sailors all bent knee.   “I don’t see Medjen Vallardi…”   “I am here, Meihomei, I’d… like a word.”   “Granted, let’s go to the ready room.”   …Flag Ballista’s ready room   “You want to propose to retire… but somehow you didn’t want to miss the opportunity to see me in person?”   “How… how’d you guess?”   “Because, if anything, that’s what I value the most about Tujan Comma, she doesn’t care if I’ll like what she does, she knows it must be done, so she does it!”   “Zim, Yes, Zim!”   “I honestly expected her to ask you to stay, then cashier you, perfect revenge, no one would say she didn’t give you a fair chance.”   “Zim!”   “Except she’s on a boat from Yesugai to this vessel, saying 'wouldn’t it be great if she wasn’t fighting me, if she could be good, on her own?'"   “Zim!” She looked ready to cry.   “Do you have what it takes, Vallardi? Or are you a sycophant, like your friend Canaton?”    “I'm waiting.”   “I… don’t know if I can be that good, without fighting her. The competition brought a verve I didn't know I had.”   “I don’t know either, I’m willing to make the offer, Tujen of your own fleet. Not because I think you deserve it, but because, after you two have been into each other’s hair for months, she still thinks you deserve it, and after fighting you this long, if she can recommend you, there is something I can use.”   “What… what fleet?”   “Harhui is building its own fleet, Companion-Classr Asahina, Itsuki, Nagato, Khyon, with a lead ship, Founder-class , name of Harhui.”   “I’d be… leading Harhui?”   “You’d be leading the fleet! I shouldn’t need a medjen to babysit a flagship, they’re much more useful minding a whole fleet!”   “Would I keep my staff?”   “No, you’d start fresh, except for your adjutant. And I don’t mean Coromodr, I think he can learn more from Comma than from you, you’ve  been sheltering him.”   “I don’t have a choice do I?”   “Weren’t you trying to present me your resignation? How much better for you this is? I’m giving you a chance to shine.”   “But not to outshine her!”   “No, at least, I don’t think you’ll outshine her, she has a big head start, and raw talent, and she’s younger than you! But I think you can outshine most of my other officers, I expect Calloway to welcome Comma to the Nessuns before he retires, and we made a bet that it might be within two years… I expect you to make it to Taimine in that time.”   “Nessun? In THREE YEARS?”   “You’d do it in 17, if you did it, not a record, less impressive, surely, but still good, still a credit to this navy, still Valias Herringbone would say: ‘better than three hundred and more thousand sailors we have.’ I’m waiting, Arrantia, are you too old for this?”   “I’m respectfully, not too old for this, Zim. I don’t… know if I could disappoint you, Zim.”   “See that you don’t! Harhui is an important city of my empire, and  the treaty lets it overfly and supply Rennick, our new ally.”   “I won’t let you down, Zim!”   “See that you don’t, here’s your new orders, and your promotion.”   “Zim, thank you Zim, for this chance!”   ...Later   “Tujen Vallardi will not be joining us, she took a gunskycutter to her new command.”   “Ballista Coromodr!”   “Zim, aye Zim!”   “I’m told you are the man I must see, to make sure Great Kagome is in fighting shape!”   “Zim, she has never been anything else, a fine ship indeed!”   “This is … irregular, but I need you to work closely with the Medjen of  Meihomei’s Own.”   “I can work with Tujan Comma any day that ends with Y, Zim.”   “That was cheek Ballista, it’s cute, but don’t overdo it.”   “Zim, yes Zim, Tujan Comma’s flag already flies next to yours and The Honor’s.” Mine’s been folded and is ready for use, when I can deploy it again, was unspoken.   “That’s a lot of brass, Coromodr, can you handle it?”   “Great Kagome was built for this, I am worthy of her, I can handle it.”   “See that you stay that way.”   “Tujan Comma, assume your duties.”   “Ballista Coromodr, are we ready to unmoor Yesugai?”   “We await the signal, Zim.”   “Signal her return to assigned duties, as ordered, Coromodr!”   “Deck crews executing, we are returning to normal fleet disposition, Yesugai, Keekyo, Meeroku and Sahngo at four points, no intruder activity, Stateroom reports Meihomei’s dinner is served, galley and mess report relevant meals are also served aboard all Meihomei's Own ships.”   “Chow down, Meihomei out.”   “This is Meihomei’s Own Fleet Factual, Tujan Maelle Comma issuing formal orders, all fleet elements to synchronize details and shifts, it is now 1800, Megamisama time, 0600 universal time coordinate, Third shift is to chow down, then prepare for bed, second shift to wake up and assume reserve, first shift to chow down, then prepare for night duties.”   “What’s with Factual and Actual, I know I’ve asked you before, but it doesn’t stick.”   “Meihomei’s Own Fleet Flag never issues direct orders, I think the crew would be upset.”   “And that is?”   “You. That part never changes, you’re their official divisional commander.”   “Oh.”   “As the official Medjan of your navy lifeguards, I am Meihomei’s Own Fleet Actual, even if I am four ranks above that as Nessun-Honour, which is why Maelle has to be demoted, she can't outrank the persona I hold that runs these ships for you. Another way to remember is first flag is the Flag officer, second flag is actual, third flag is factual, flag bridge is the duty officer.”   “I can’t believe it took this long to get an explanation I can wrap my head around.”   “Meihomei, you have so much to wrap your head around, some of it is bound to slip back out.”   “True, but no one had mentioned the flags before. Why three anyways?”   “We… haven’t lost four on a ship ‘yet’.”   “Oh. If we did?”   “We’d add a mast. It’s for the crew to know the top of the chain of command in advance.”   “How expensive would it be, to go to five?”   “Five? Hmm it’d almost double our officer numbers, do you mean on all ships?”   “Oh, no, just the capital ones, say, cruiser, or even heavy cruiser or above.”   “Why just them?”   “The invaders like targeting our command and control. I like the idea of showing them we are not intimidated. And making sure our crucial ships have plenty of officers trained to command.”   “Would they all be Adjani or above?”   “You know better than I, but I thought you could get a flag as a Mast .”   “Yes, but most Masts never fly a flag, it’s really a perk of the Adjen .   It’s why it was such a big thing when you had Tujen Comma design a flag as a mere mast, anyone who noticed knew you were fast tracking her for command, expecting her to need a bigger ship to fly the flag on.”   “And I thought I was being subtle.”   “The Nessuns are political animals, they did notice, some protested, some of the others asked me just how far I intended to raise her, one even asked me if I was marking her as my probable successor.”   “Your successor? He or she felt threatened?”   “More like belittled, and ignored, but it was definitely personal.”   “What did you tell that Nessun?”   “That she better shape up, Maelle was marked as exemplifying the values that you and I looked for in an officer. There was a tomato, it was prepared to fly, and they better dodge out of the way.”   “I wish I’d seen that. Someone I know of course. Personnel?”   “What?”   “That was OPM’s Nessun, wasn’t it?”   “Why do you ask?”   “OPM’s the defender of acquired perks, more than anyone else in your command, even I know that.”   “They’re also responsible for promotions.”   “Yes, but those are more valuable the more rare they are.”   “Are you saying there’s graft around promotions?”   “I don’t have evidence, but I’d be very surprised if there weren't any. We have a healthy criminal element in all spheres of society. More to the point, they aren’t rewarded for promotions being given to the right people yet. I’d like you to find a way to evaluate promotions, make sure we’re promoting the right people.”   “And who are the right people?”   “People who work out even better at their new role than the old one.”   “Then Maelle will count as a bad promotion, you need to reword that.”   “Why? Heavens no, she’s working out like a charm.”   “You said better… She’s been exemplary at any level. Try people whose performance is high, excellent or exemplary at their new job, and were of a lower or equal level before. Or else you’ll punish the excellent ones for not being able to do better than the excellent work they were doing before.   ”Hmm, thank you for reminding me why I need a military chief of staff.”   “Meihomei, I certainly don’t want more tasks, but you are not the right person to take up my slack.”   “No, and OPM isn’t putting up its own weight.”   “Oh, I have an idea…”   ...Later   “Atten-hut! Flag on deck!”   “Thank you Telbun, but it’s my office, I’m only ever not on deck when I’m not here. You have a message for me?”   “Attention to orders!”   “Telbun to review practices and ethics prevalent to OPM’s handling of promotions. The Honor sends you?”   “Meihomei requested my presence, with respect.”   “And she requires you to?”   “My orders” he emphasized that word slightly. “Are to discuss with the principals the possibility of a circle of graft or corruption, around promotions, and to discuss a proposal by the Honor to evaluate and reward successful promotions, in turn.”   “So my people?”   “Would be rewarded for helping identify good candidates for promotions, and while no one is perfect, if we only promote without merit, the Navy will flounder.”   “With respect, the Navy is doing very well, better than our sister services.”   “My orders aren’t to discuss that with them, but since we’re doing well, what suggestions I may have will only confirm the right direction you’re giving to things, won’t it?”   “And who are you? To tell me how to do my job?”   “I am the Telbun, you are the chief of staff of Meihomei's navy. I recommended your name to Meihomei myself.”   “So, play ball, or I will be replaced? How dreary.”   “I never threaten, and I first and foremost come here to discuss what  can be done, because Meihomei identified it as an area of concern. I have no evidence you’re doing anything wrong, yourself, I just happen to be the only person who can review you besides the Nessun-Honour and Meihomei. And I intend to review you. If I find you’re doing a great job, I may just recommend a decoration. I became the Telbun because no one can make me give my sworn oath but me.”   “The incorruptible Telbun… And your cousins?”   “What about my first cousins, once removed?”   “They’re doing very well…”   “That fills me with pride, but they’re not even doing the best work on that ship.”   “So Tujen Comma is your protegee?”   “I’ve not seen Tacks since Ambulon, but it’s no surprise to anyone she’s doing well. Would you be able to sink Meihomei’s Own Fleet Element with some magic and a black powder vessel? You’re welcome to try…”   “I’m… better at evaluating…”   “Excellent, I’m here to see you about how you evaluate, so it should be a short discussion.”   ..Later   “How did she do?”   “She’s complacent but competent, I’m sure she’ll right up her ship, now that I told her we’re watching.”   “Is she likely to retaliate?”   “I got a hint she might want to, against Juraian and Andei, possibly Jima too.”   “Does she? And she thinks she can?”   “I don’t know, they are in a war zone, so general quarters on Meihomei’s Own include guard details for all officers and non-coms above Mast and Half-Spear.”   “I’m thinking she’d rather invalidate some of their half stripes. More signature, less messy.”   “I’ve reviewed the principal’s files myself. I had to, as I have to countersign Meihomei’s Cat repeat awards.”   “And?”   “And I expect an unprecedented clutch of seventh cluster in lieu of repeated awards of the same decoration, to the unit, with repeat sixth personal award to Striped Javelin Bundle Jima Rolli, repeat fifth personal award to Tujen Comma, Ballista Andermani, Adjan Dandelion, Javelin Bundles Cavill and Quinn. I couldn't say the officers were responsible for all of the success.”   “Those are very senior folk for just one ship.”   “Hah! Very senior folk for any fleet element. But they’re out shooting anything we have at sea, they’re even sharing their secrets, and even then the rest can barely keep up.”   “Are you starting to be afraid for your job? Rolli is the one responsible for that, by all accounts.”   “You know if I lose the Telbun job, we’ll be separated, I’d only hate that. I’d welcome fewer politics.”   “I could always retire, and we could go sail that ship…”   “Don’t tempt me, but Calloway can’t take over, Comma’s the one to succeed you.”   “You’re sure?”   “Calloway’s good, but he’s no sorcerer, and he doesn’t have a chaplain he really trusts, except for Comma herself. Which she’s good enough to do both jobs, so why settle. If you retire from the Navy, but not the circle, will it be really a retirement?”   “Oh, so Navy Chaplain as a weakness?”   “You know it, Calloway can’t get confirmed without some major oomph to spells. Just like you did, except, you did it on your own.”   “And Osker’s next?”   “No one thinks Osker has what it takes, and Second Fleet, Gatch? He’s good, but unimaginative, lets his fliers do all the work, barely shooting his hammers. First Fleet is waiting out until retirement, no knock on the man, but he’s given what he had to give.”   “Well, Gatch’s Ringmistress is his mistress, he’s letting her numbers rise to the expense of his ships’ own.”   “And you don’t want me to…”   “No, I’ve got something in mind for them. I’d be very surprised if OPM doesn’t send him a strongly worded letter, telling him to shape up, actually. That’s actually a recurring problem, officers sleeping withtheir subordinates, and OPM is the one who’s meant to be cracking the whip.”   “Oh, you were expecting them to…?”   “You’ve told me they were complacent, I do think they were sitting on this case, just waiting for the right moment to milk it for political advantage. Sending you over means they know I’m watching, and expect them to do their damned jobs faster than they’ve been, it should work out in the end, except I can't say it out loud, it'd sound like hypocrisy to anyone who knows about us. You behind this last batch of ship names?”   “Hey, I’m running out of ideas for non-threatening replenishment vessels.”   “But the KEMS two-hour nap, KEMS plush animal, KEMS loyal kitten and KEMS bandage? I think you’re hitting new lows. KEMS Recovery, KEMS Comfort, KEMS dependable and KEMS healing, there, done.”   “We already had all four of those though, are you going to reuse names?”   “Oh, maybe we need to start thinking about reusing names then.”   "I was ordered not to, by Meihomei."   "Try the KEMS Orange Petal, KEMS Grape Bundle, KEMS Sea Breeze and KEMS Highland Meadow."   "Ooh, nice ones. Amazingly, only orange petal was used, but I can claim KEMS Orange Bushel as original."   "Good, now git. I have command tasks that won't wait."   "Did Maelle really recommend Arrantia for a fleet command?"   "Meihomei thinks so, I choose to interpret it as Maelle getting sick of fighting."   "Why can't it be both? Maybe it's the low hanging fruit on how to get her out of her hair."   "That would be it if Meihomei didn't say she decided to promote her between Yesugai and Great Kagome."   "Why is that invalidating the theory?"   "Dominus are supposed to base decisions on long term matters."   "And Meihomei decided, based on her opinion… of the Dominus."   "How did I miss that?"   "I do take good notes of power players. And I suspect my evaluation of Officer Comma will have me as the one who underestimated her the least."   "And where do you see her in five years?"   "Meihomei's third in command, after the Domei of Garay."   "That's my job, she's the leading candidate, tell me why I should be impressed?"   "You see where that leaves the Bameita? Her adopted sister and designated heir?"   "Oh."   "No one but me thinks Meihomei trusts her that much."   "No one has spent as much time as you with either."   "You beat my time with Meihomei, and I'm not sure about Maelle, that academy time…"   "I'm willing to chalk up my doubts to the three of us being female and jealousy tainting the whole thing. Maelle and me being Dominus would only make me doubt her potential further."   "Regardless, you may have doubts, I don't. And I base my opinion mostly on the fact that Maelle and Dreamy Domei Dan both welcome the challenge of authority, while Bameita Mikayla wishes she could go back to her Feyd in Veneer with her son."   "And what odds are you giving that Meihomei has a child on the way?"   "Odds? Excellent, Meihomei is unmarried and spending a lot of time with strapping young men like Domei Dan and Legendary Venatori, lots of energy to burn there."   "Anyone trying to get between the Bameita and her?"   "Between adopted sisters?"   "Anything can be exploited, but I'll grant you it's a longshot."   "Anyone else spending a lot of time with Meihomei?"   "Potentate, Paramount, just a coincidence they both start with p."   "And Maelle would be at best second understudy Potentate."   "That's actually intended. The Nine don't stay in Megamisama while Meihomei does. Gives her good advice, but not the actual leaders to be in the same place she is."   "And how much between Maelle and Nyakki?"   "Nyakki's some two thirds stronger than me, at least. I'm two thirds stronger than Maelle."   "So her being twice as strong isn't a stretch, at all."   "Nyakki, Kei-Mist and Pom are such strong spellcasters, anyone in their league is impressive."   "How far from Merlyn is Nyakki?"   "She's half, possibly. Making the current circle at least twice Merlyn's."   "What?"   "Merlyn's circle didn't have at least four people around half his level.  Second circle is an order of magnitude away from Merlyn, no one saw that coming."   "Why not?"   "If Nyakki had been Vivien and Pom had been Aunkawa, Merlyn might not be a name we heard. We'd be worshipping a criminal instead, when Nyakki and Pom knocked his socks off and took his lunch money."   "Oh."   "Yeah, relative power is a thing. My power differential with Nyakki is nowhere near trivial"   "How untrivial is it?"   "If I fight her, I need surprise, or a strong ally, like you. She draws out the fight in any way, I lose."   "And that's why Domei Dan kicks Merlyn's butt? More reserves?"   "Dan outlasts him almost two to one. Or would, if he wasn’t about half as strong to begin with. Then you add the circle and the math is very uncomplicated. Dan wins, against Merlyn, his circle and second circle of Merlyn's time, Dan wins. Dan wins against anything but five to one odds, from the worse case scenario anyone's been able to figure out."   "Sounds like a cliff, not a differential."   "Maybe the elements just like Dan."   “I wouldn’t bet against that, that man has had some success against demons that were quite unexpected.”   “Any chance we can stop fighting this war on two fronts?”   “Unlikely, there’s rumbles that the Demons are deliberately trying to catch us off guard by attacking the rearguard while the invaders attack the fronts.”   ...In Rannick   “Phew, that was intense.”   “Thank you, Bameita Mikhala, for arranging this treaty.”   “I helped, dearest Denton.”   “Why, yes, of course, Aumhava, but surely gratitude to our guests before   they return home takes away nothing from you.”   “Guild Master Zugon, you’ve not said anything.”   “I’m resisting apoplectic rage, at the moment, woman.”   “Ah.”   “You disapprove then?”   “Mostly the codicils, there is nothing in there to reward those whose efforts make our Navy or Army possible.” Using Euphemisms to make his point, the Slaver Lord still seethed.   “We’ve learned from last time, that to exclude them from treaty would being the risk that the treaty would not be signed.” Mikhala knew quite well what his objections to the treaty really were.   “So?”   “So what? They weren’t mentioned, the treaty isn’t rewarding them for slavery, surely you didn’t think we’d do that?” That was Hunarch Xiang, bristling, almost exploding out of her cheongsam.   “I know you don’t like them, I don’t like that the treaty won’t prevent you from attacking them.”   “It does prevent us from attacking them, it doesn’t require us to die defending their properties from the invaders, that’s a different proposition.”   “Their properties only?”   “Their unliving property isn’t something Rannick can expect us to defend with our lives, that’s what I said.”   “What about living property?”   “Let’s hope we don’t find out, I’d expect Moniqan soldiers to free any slaves they’d defend.”   “I expect the same from the Kagomine contingent.”   “What?”   “If we deploy and risk our lives for them, and we survive, and so do they. For that matter, their prior owner, if he’s nearby would also have his life protected.”   “Zugon of Brentiane! Attend my words as Hunarch. My advisors tampered my judgement, and my requirements of this treaty quite a bit."


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