16 Huntersmoon, 4641

First Parlay With Enemy 7/16/4641

by Anais Evergarden

Dear Diary,
My oaths as both a scientist and a cartographer state that I would abstain from all wrongdoings and harm towards others. However, this oath was taken when I was still in the academy. Do I need to retake my oaths, since I am now a sailor. Do these oaths even hold up to modern times, as they were written long ago in a time when warfare was more simple. Do these oaths even mean anything in war? I assumed they would, but I also assumed I would not partake in war. War is an illogical construct of our own subconscious, however it is up to the individual to remain logical. Is it logical to kill something if you know it intends to kill you? The Elven Philosphers often say no, because it could be reasoned with. However, early elven scholars noted the simplicity of Goblins and decided they could not be reasoned with. However, many of the reports are not old and false. However, these goblins refuse to be reasoned with, so my life was threatened. I was protecting myself, however I did so at the cost harming another living being which counteracts my oaths. Ergo, do I follow the oaths or do I follow the rules of war? Are these rules so different, as both were written by the hand of elf-kind and thus are of the same mindset. (this continues for at least three more pages.)

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  1. War Is Declared - 7/16/4641
    16 Huntersmoon, 4641
  2. Chosen For Stalwart - 2/8/4641
    2 Rose Moon, 4641
  3. First Parlay With Enemy 7/16/4641
    16 Huntersmoon, 4641