16 Huntersmoon, 4641

War Is Declared - 7/16/4641

by Anais Evergarden

Dear Diary,
It is with a most solemn and heavy heart that I must inform that, aside from our previous diplomatic mission being delayed, war has been declared. It was sudden, we had only just exited from our wormhole when we were startled by enemies approaching from high starboard. I was fortunate, or unfortunate depending on those asked, that I was the eyes in the crows nest. (Eyes in the crows nest - sailor talk for being in the crows nest.) I managed to spot them as they approached and we open fired, destroying the three when a fourth was spotted shortly after on the retreat.
We were informed, during chase, that the war was official and we were no longer practicals, we were soldiers. My father warned me of this, he told me that joining the Avalonian Service wouldn't just be a free ride and some free land. They used people, like cannon fodder, to win wars. I can already hear him now, laughing at me and telling me how he was always right and I was always wrong.
Though I refuse to believe this. This war will not be my death. I can't allow it. I am scared. Even as I write this on deck, my hand quivers with great anxiety. One of our fellow crewmates, a woman named Rusa, was most kind in helping me regain my composure. I cannot express how grateful I am in her efforts, even if I was not the best at responding. I need to be brave, for the Clan Evergarden and for my crewmates. I can't let a little war (wars are, in fact, not little but large scale conflicts involving millions of people, remember this for history book) stop me now. I didn't spend four years in the academy to fail now. I can do this!
Signed Anais Manaflora Violetta Evergarden (Midshipman)
Of the A.I.N.S. Stalwart
(in the corner, a screaming face with hair drawn in panic and a small note - OH MY GOD! WE ARE AT WAR! AHHHH~)

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  1. War Is Declared - 7/16/4641
    16 Huntersmoon, 4641
  2. Chosen For Stalwart - 2/8/4641
    2 Rose Moon, 4641
  3. First Parlay With Enemy 7/16/4641
    16 Huntersmoon, 4641