Thu 19th Aug 2021 06:41

Day Two: Traps and Treasure

by Lessa

Starting stats: Exploration - 3, Combat - 5
Exploration cards: A clubs, 5 spades, 6 spades (A large treasure, evidence of attempted raids, a trap we avoid, a large mechanism.)
After a good night's sleep, I awake to another chilly morning, this time a little more overcast. The Rookling is still there, I guess I'm stuck with it. It hasn't caused any trouble so far. I walk for a few hours, with nothing in particular to see. The land scape becomes ever more hilly and I begin to tire. I decide I will stop for an afternoon break after I get over this next hill.
As I crest the rise and look down into the small valley, my eye is drawn to some kind of structure sticking out of hillside. I approach cautiously, circling the building wide as I descend the hill, to come at it from the front. It is a large squat square building from the front, but it disappears into the hill behind it. I realise upon closer inspection, that it seems to made from solid marble, the striations are undeniable. Not only that but a solid piece of marble, there are no windows or doors to this structure but the roof seems to be another solid plinth of marble. I do notice signs of chipping, as I examine them I notice a faint line in the marble, as if there is a very fine joint here, I follow it and it forms a large square, perhaps there is a door. Someone had been trying to force it open?
A noise from behind me causes me turn suddenly, fearing another Rook. However, it was just the Rookling banging his little drawbridge off a strange piece of metal sticking from the ground in amongst some undergrowth. I wander over to see what it has discovered, and begin to pick out geometric shapes under the plant life. I pull the vines and shrubbery away, it takes quite a while. But soon a strange mechanism is revealed to me. Strange cogs and pulleys, connected to some kind of lever, and several pipes that disappear underground. it's quite big and the metal has tarnished with exposure. I examine it, excitedly. It must operate something, I'm pretty sure I can figure out to make it work.
The lever seems to be stuck in place, so it's obviously not that simple. After several minutes more of carefully going over every inch of the mechanism, allowing my helm to subtly guide me, I figure it out. There is a catch just here, and valve over here, twist this thingymabob, now the lever should work. I move over to give it another try, reaching up over my head with two hands to grasp it, I tug down. This time it moves, though sluggishly, I hear the sounds of rumbling in the earth, and the grinding of the cogs can probably be heard for quite a distance.
Suddenly I am sent flying off my feet, several feet to the side as the Rookling slams into me. I hit the ground with a thud an Ooof, the Rookling landing in heap beside me. What on earth? Why was it attacking me? I jump painfully to my feet, and draw my spear, then I notice the gaping hole in the ground just where I was standing. I look back the Rookling "How did you know" I ask it?. It just flaps that daft drawbridge of its, and rights itself.
The lever seems to be stiff, I didn't pull it enough before I was knocked away. I wander over to the pit, and look into it. I grimace and turn away, Sharp metal spikes adorned with the bodies of those that had been less fortunate than myself, rise from the floor of the deep pit. I shudder, and look towards the Rookling again. "Thanks buddy, you saved my life". Flap, flap goes the drawbridge.
I grin despite myself.
Now how am I supposed to tackle this lever now? Oh wait, I've got it. I stand back a few feet and concentrate on the helm, summoning forth the magics from within. A frost begins to begins to form on the lever tip, which slowly turns to ice, I pour more into it, piling the ice up until the suddenly the weight is enough and the lever falls, with a loud grating noise. There is a deep rumbling and grinding from the the marble structure. A large section of the front slowly sinks inwards and then slides to the left behind the wall.
I hurry over, keeping an eye out for weird things coming out of the hole. but there is just silence now and no sign of movement.
I peer round the corner into the room. It is dark inside, I can make out the sides barely, but the back disappears into inky blackness. I can just make out the shape of a pedestal or pillar in the back. I climb in carefully, my spear at the ready. Even tough the opening is just there, the sounds from outside seem muffled in here. There is a deep stillness here, it is slightly unnerving, the weight of time seems to hang heavy here. I walk forward and can soon make out what is indeed a pedestal standing in the centre of this space, upon it rests an object. A clunk from behind me, indicates the Rookling.... should I give it a name? .... has found its way in behind me.
I turn my attention back to the object. and reach out my hands to take it...slowly...ready to whip them back at a moments notice. Nothing happens however, and I am able to pick it up. A gold circlet, it is a bit heavy, but It's certainly worth lugging around. The rest of the chamber seems to be empty. I take the circlet back outside and examine it in the light. There is an inscription on the inside, though I cannot read it, the symbols are unfamiliar to me. I put it into my satchel for safe keeping. A break in the clouds allows the sun to come streaming down, I turn my face towards the warmth, close my eyes and take a deep breath in. So far, although eventful, this adventure has brought many great discoveries. I look towards the next hill, my former tiredness seems to have washed away with the thrill of discovery, and I set off once more with a growing sense of excitement.
Add one TREASURE, add one to Exp or Com
New stats: Exploration - 4, Combat - 5.