Thu 26th Aug 2021 09:22

Day Four: Gargoyle!

by Lessa

A spades, 7 hearts, Q clubs, 2 clubs
exp - 5, combat - 4
During that night I am awoken by the first Rookling banging It's drawbridge against my head. I am fending it off, when suddenly the night sky seems to get darker, I look up and a massive winged shape is blotting out the moon. I can't make it out very well and my first thought is ~Is this the Dragon Rook?~ But as it rushes closer It's massive wingspan just visible against the clear starlit sky, I freeze in fear. A gargoyle! Before I can react it has swooped upon me and picked me up in it's clawed feet. I am yanked up into the air, I just manage to snatch my pack in time, I feel something clamp around my foot, The Rookling.
We fly for a while, the gargoyle doesn't seem to be taking us up into the rafters, where is taking us? My foot and leg are hurting from the Rookling hanging from it, and my shoulder still really aches from that damn chipmunk. I may have drifted in and out of consciousness because suddenly the sky was starting to lighten. We were flying over a vast flat expanse and in the distance the skyline seemed to be blotted out, as we flew closer and the light grew brighter I could make out a vast wall which stretched as far as the eye could see, in all directions.
In one portion of the wall stood a massive stone doorway, It seemed to have sustained some damage, as one side seemed to be hanging slightly askew. The gargoyle swoops lower towards the ground and just as I think we are going to crash into it the gargoyle releases it's grip, and with a mighty swoosh of it's wings climbs back up into the sky. I hit the ground with a thud and the wind is knocked from me. The Rookling releases it's grip just as we hit the ground and it rolls off to one side.
I catch my breath and stand up to take a look around, the gargoyle dropped us not far from the doorway. The terrain around us is flat and rocky, the temperature is already warm at this early hour. The doorway now looms above us, it's top disappearing into the clouded distance, even it's frame is barely visible on either side of me. There looks to be at least a mile or so distance to it. Suddenly movement off to the left catches my eye, A now familiar stony shape is lumbering in this direction, it's hard to tell how far away it is, or how big.
I wince as I take a step forward, my leg is still very sore from the journey, and my shoulder is throbbing. I'm in no condition to fight another rook right now. I move forward towards the door as fast as my leg will let me. If I can beat the Rook to the door, hopefully there will be a crack I can squeeze through, if not it's going to be a difficult fight. The Rook begins to loom closer, I pick up my speed, my leg burning, sweat dripping from me in the effort. The little Rookling's legs are working overtime to keep up with me, as I break into a jog.
The door and the Rook get closer, now I can see it a gap at the bottom, from the left hand door hanging slightly off it's hinges. I reach the gap just before the Rook, it's moving fast. This one is less fortified and heavy than last two I fought, It has a large wicked looking spear in it's hand which it raises to throw at me, I slip through the gap and hear a solid thump as the spear slams into the door behind me. This is closely followed by an even larger thud, the door trembles slightly but easily holds, no way that Rook is getting through that door, though I do move a little further from it. A couple more thuds and then silence as the Rook comes to the same conclusion.
I turn my attention to my surroundings, and realise that my feet are wet. It appears I have found myself in a strange swampland. I suddenly remember the first map I found, I dig around in my pack and pull it out. it's hard to tell if it's a map of this swamp, I would have to try and find some kind of matching landmark. There certainly seemed to be a few odd areas on the map. I keep it in my hand as I set off through the swamp away from the door. The large tree trunks make it hard to see too far, though they are widely spaced they are many of them, and there is a thick undergrowth in places. I try to keep to drier ground as I travel, but spend most of my time sloshing through water, sometimes as high as my knees.
Before too long I see a square pillar rising from the water, similar to the one I had found inside the marble altar, This one had moss and vines growing up it, though still seemed to be in perfect condition underneath. Atop the pillar, once more rested an object. A large shallow bowl, filled with what looks like crystal clear water. I suddenly realise how thirsty I am, clean water would be good right now, before I realise what I am doing I scoop up a handful and put it to my lips. It taste so good, and it's nice and cool. is that a hint of citrus I can taste. I go to scoop another handful but the bowl is now empty. ~huh?~ I feel a cool and pleasant sensation wash over me, I suddenly feel refreshed, with a start I also realise that my shoulder and leg are no longer hurting. I look at my shoulder, the wound is nearly gone, it is now just a fresh pink scar.
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New stats: Exp - 5, Com - 5