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Shielded Arm - unknown 1

Traditions Components
arcane divine primal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
2 actions touch 1 willing creature 1 minute or until expended -
Reinforcing veins of ore run through the target's arm, letting it ward off blows with its bare skin. It can use the Raise a Shield action to instead raise its arm, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC. It can Shield Block with its Raised arm as well; when it does, the target reduces the damage as if it had a shield with Hardness 4 and 15 Hit Points. This shield doesn't have a Broken Threshold, and the spell ends if the shield's Hit Points are expended.   This spell doesn't modify the target's unarmed attacks and can't be used to make a shield bash Strike. Casting or coming under the effects of this spell also counts as using a metallic item with regards to anathema.   Heightened (+2) The Hardness increases by 4, and the Hit Points increase by 15.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

