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Elemental Spray - unknown -

Traditions Components
arcane occult primal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
Self (15 foot cone) 15 foot cone extending outwards from yourself Instant Reflex Save
"Bringing one's hands together thumb to thumb and first finger to first finger, holding them arm's length from you, at about chest level. Within the Aether you will form a triangle of manna opposite the shape of your arms, having the point start at your torso, and the wider base above where your hands meet. This universal symbol will see and have you feeling manna surging along your arms and through your fingers, rushing forth and manifesting as appropriate in a cone of energy extending outwards from your hands."

Spell-Stitch/Spell-Weave DC: 10

Any creature within the area of the cone must attempt an Reflex Save. Should they succeed, they only take half damage, and on a critical success they take no damage. Should they fail, they take 3d4 of the appropriate elemental damage for your Order, and on a critical failure they take double damage. If you are not a Magister but are instead a Shaman or something of that nature, you first 1d8 to decide what element you end up tapping into; Fire, Necrotic, Lightning, Radiant, Thunder, Poison, Cold, Psychic.

Tier -1: Fail to cast, roll Minor Miscast
Tier 0: Fail to cast, no Minor Miscast
Tier II: 6d4 damage instead. Spell-Stitch/Spell-Weave becomes DC 15 to flat cast.
Tier III: 9d4 damage instead. Spell-Stitch/Spell-Weave becomes DC 20 to flat cast.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

