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Cold Snap - unknown -

Traditions Components
arcane occult primal somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
60 feet Single Creature in range Instant Power Save
One of the most potent single target spell-weaves of any Order, a surefire unpleasant and wholly unsettling experience for anyone so afflicted.

Spell-Weave DCs: 20, Tier II: 25, Tier III: 30

Swirling and weaving Uisce all about your target in the Aether, you, with a snap of your fingers, flood their body with the Sapphire energy. The target must make a Power Defensive Test. If they fail, they take 6d6 cold damage and are Slow (3), as their muscles and ligaments lock up, stretched to and past their limits from the freezing cold that suddenly grips them. If they critically fail, they actually gain the full on Immobilized condition, and take double damage. In that case they can take no actions that involve any physical movement of their limbs in any fashion, and can barely talk. They may attempt this save again at the end of each of their turns to break free of this. Should they succeed the test initially, they take 1/2 damage and are merely afflicted with the Slow (2) Condition for the duration instead. If they critically succeed, they take no damage but still suffer the Slow (1) condition.

Ice-Blooded: If the target is a reptilian or amphibious creature, or some other creature with vulnerability to cold (like a fire elemental), that creature counts their saving throw result as one step lower than what they roll (so a failure is a critical fail, a success is a fail, and a crit success is merely a success).

Tier -1: Fail to cast, roll Minor Miscast
Tier 0: Fail to cast
Tier II: Increases damage by 2d6 , becomes Slow (2)
Tier III: May target an additional creature in range.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

