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Chilling Grasp - unknown -

Traditions Components
arcane occult primal somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
60 feet 1 creature you can see in range. 1 minute Fortitude Save
A sudden chill, a feeling of something unseen gripping your legs and torso, as if trying to drag you down, to hold you still. Feeling as if every step takes the effort of lifting a hundred pounds.

Spell-Weave DCs: 11, Tier II: 16, Tier III: 21

Guiding the currents of Uisce, you have them flowing around an individual in the Aether, almost as if a large hand wrapping around them. This creature begins to feel that presence as you tighten that 'grip' and must make a Fortitude Save. Should they fail, they take 2d6 cold damage and are afflicted with the Slow (1) condition for the duration, though they attempt to shake this condition off with another test at the end of their turn every round. Should they succeed, they still take half damage but are not afflicted by the condition. Should they critically fail, they take double damage and are afflicted by Slow (2), and if they critically succeed they take no damage.

Ice-Blooded: If targeting a creature of a reptilian or amphibious type, or with a natural vulnerability to cold (such as a Fire Elemental), the damage becomes 2d10

Tier -1: Fail to cast, roll Minor Miscast
Tier 0: Fail to cast
Tier II: Increase the damage by 1d6 or 1d10 as appropriate, inflicts Slow (2), or Slow (3) when critical failure.
Tier III: Increase the damage by 1d6 or 1d10 as appropriate, can target up to two targets in range.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

