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Merfolk's Lost Legs

School Transmutation [polymorph]; Level Oracle/Cleric 2; Druid 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range Close
Targets 1 humanoid creature with one or two legs
Duration 1 hour/level

  Saving Throw Fortitude Negates ;
  Spell Resistance Yes

  The target grows extraordinarily heavy metallic gills on its legs, making it difficult to move normally. The target’s base land speed is cut in half, rounded down, and it cannot make 5-foot steps. It also loses any climb, swim, or fly speed and cannot take any of those move actions under normal circumstances. It also gets a -5 penalty on all strength and dexterity-based skill checks. It does, however, gain the ability to breathe underwater as if affected by the “Water Breathing” spell.


Created by



Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

