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Ghostly Helper - Necromancy 1

Traditions Components
occult material somatic verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
3 actions 30 feet - sustained up to 1 minute -
You use a body part or important possession (material component) of a deceased creature to call its spirit. This spirit doesn't remember anything specific from its mortal life but will retain its alignment and attitude. It will judge you based on your latest activities and be helpful, friendly, unfriendly, etc. accordingly. The spirit will not talk but understand any language. The spirit appears in the form resembling its mortal appearance but of a level equal to or lower than 1.   If it is friendly towards you, you can attempt to Request Aid from the creature.   The spirit uses the stats it had as a living being, adjusted to its level. The spirit has 1 HP   Critical Success: The spirit stays for as long as the spell lasts and will Aid you or your allies whenever you command it to.
Success: As Critical Success but if the spirit is asked to help with something, contrary to its alignment it refuses to and the spell ends.
Failure: The spirit refuses to help and the spell ends.
Critical Failure: The spirit is angry at you, turns into a Ghost (with the Rejuvenation ability) which will stay and haunt you until the body part or possession comes into its possession (may it be peacefully or through offensive means)
  • Heightened (2nd) Maximum Level 2.
  • Heightened (3rd) Maximum Level 3.
  • Heightened (4th) Maximum Level 4.
  • Heightened (5th) Maximum Level 5.
  • Heightened (6th) Maximum Level 6.
  • Heightened (7th) Maximum Level 8.
  • Heightened (8th) Maximum Level 11.
  • Heightened (9th) Maximum Level 13.
  • Heightened (10th) Maximum Level 15.
      Possible adaptations if balancing is needed: Remove sustained from Duration, reroll Request every turn

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

